
Criticisms Of Humanities Essay

Decent Essays

There are many criticisms of the humanities and counter arguments against those criticisms. This response will attempt the explain value of studying the humanities, and the criticisms of humanities.
According to the dictionary humanities is learning or literature concerned with human culture, especially literature, history, art, music, and philosophy. Through exploration of these subjects, we have found that humanities has played an important role in the world overall. Humanities gives us the ability to gain more knowledge and insight in various fields. For example, educational institutions thrive off of staff with creative and critical thinking skills. From first grade through higher education, teachers meet students with all …show more content…

For instance, a journalism student who may want to pursue a career in the media is prepared to learn in various forms, analyze information, evaluate that information, and communicate it to others. The ability to do this is required in almost every career today. But wait it gets better, a journalism student is not only capable of understanding information, they also are prepared to understand humans, culture, art, and literature. The understanding of these topics tie into careers in the government, social work, medical fields, and more. For example, if an EMT arrives at the scene of an accident where a man is unresponsive he must use the surroundings and an in depth thought process in order to respond to the needs of an unresponsive person in a timely matter. While neither of these people went into disciplines devoted to the study of money they contribute to our society and our world. With that being said, studying the humanities may not promise you with a significant amount of money, but then again Oprah was a humanities major and is now worth 3.2 billion dollars.
Another criticism of the humanities is the scientific argument, according to “mapping the future” the modern research university is the child of the eighteenth-century enlightenment. The enlightenment produced two related modes at arriving at knowledge, the experiment and the model. The knowledge produced by the humanities looks soft by comparison,

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