Evaluation Critique
My high school conducts observations of all teachers at least two times a year and someone from the administrative team performs the observations. The observations can be done informally and formally, dependent upon the individual’s evaluation process. If the teacher is on “goal setting” for evaluation, they will have both formal and informal evaluations and if a teacher is on a “standard” evaluation they would have at least two formal observations, yearly. Observations are conducted and documented using a web service, Edivate Observe. Edivate has templates that can be accessed and where information can be documented or behaviors observed could be indicated and referenced again. The template opens with allowing for the
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The next step is for the teacher to set professional growth goals that they will be evaluated on for the year. These goals are developed at the beginning of the school year and approved by the administration by October. One goal is to be developed for each of four diocesan required areas that include Christian/ Professional Formation, Instructional Planning/ Performance and Assessment, Learning Environment/Communication skills & Management style, and Interpersonal Relationships. During the end of the third quarter, the administration completes the evaluation packet by assigning ratings such as AG, area for growth or ES, exceeds standards and the ratings reflect criterion outlined under each heading. The ratings and comments are based upon the teacher’s performance and progress as observed that year, by the administration. After completion, the administration shares the evaluation with the teacher during a scheduled meeting and the teacher signs the form acknowledging that they read the evaluation. The signed document is placed in the personnel file of the teacher, a copy is given to the teacher and another is sent to the diocesan
PS. 45 is a school in in Staten Island New York, serving 900 students, 61% of the students are economically disadvantaged. This is a diverse school where 5% of students are Asian, 17% Black, 48% Hispanic and 27% White. They have a population of English Language Learners that take up 6% and 23% of the school's population have disabilities. I am observing a 4th grade classroom at P.S. 45. This class is a general education class with 26 students, two of these students are English language learners and two others struggle with focusing. There are also a number of students in the class that need extra support.
First of all, continual feedback allows teachers to self-reflect on best practices. For example, a teacher can target his/her areas of weakness in order to grow professionally and gain further insight of best practices. Another benefit, of teacher evaluations is higher student success rates. These, for example, are measurable through district assessments and state standardized assessments. If a teachers success rate has significantly improved through modification of practices, T-TESS has served its intended purpose. Finally, yet another benefit of teacher evaluations is the fact that the educator is an active participant in his/her evaluation process. For example, through goal setting, the educator is allowed the opportunity to decide where he/she want to grow. Through the evaluation cycle and the communication therein, the appraiser and educator both take greater responsibility in understanding and meeting established goals. Finally, at the end of the process, student growth is an indicator of a well-developed and integrated evaluation system. These are but a few of the many benefits reaped from an evaluation systems such as T-TESS (TEA,
Before conducting the formal evaluation, the teacher is given some questions to answer as a pre-observation like Dr Pajak mentioned in Honoring Diverse Teaching Styles A guide for Supervisors. Those questions are more towards knowing teachers. There are specifics and concise. A step by step of sequence of the lesson from the beginning to the end of the lesson. He also gives an opportunity for teachers to reflect on his teaching based on that particular lesson. Then there is a post observation when the supervisor or administrator invites the teacher for a conference on the lesson observed that
Audit Follow-Up: Practices that are identified as being most challenging and needing further emphasis could be incorporated into the school improvement plan. Professional development experiences on particular practices could be offered. Teachers could use the summary results of the audit to develop instructional practices in individual classrooms, at grade levels, and/or schoolwide.
For instance, the section requires the development of specific performance goals, and recommendations for training, to improve teacher effectiveness as a component of the year-end evaluation. Moreover, it requires additional monitoring of the performance of beginning teachers and low-performing teachers, including the development of progress plans and reports with suggestions for improvement and related training. Section 1249 also encourages, but does not require, the assignment of mentor teachers to low performing individuals (The Revised School Code of 1976,
In my assessment these students will be evaluated consistently my me and the instructors at Hillcrest elementary school. The students will be evaluated on how to continue his/her next steps within the school. Input will be given to the student at the school for data so they can learn more by adapting to their own personal experiences. I will first do a walk-thru of the classroom in starting my assessment. I will visually be able to check on my student’s progress and really understand the students. Next I will use a checklist to compare and see if the student is progressing or not. Criticism feedback won’t be seen as a problem but would be seen as a guide to understanding and achievement inside of the classroom. Lastly and most important I will give out a summative assessment to assess the knowledge of problem solving skills. The specific end goal is to persuade students to become long lasting learners inside and
1. The only change in the classroom was all of the children special notes from their parents, "My child is Special because" The teacher posted them on all them were posted on the door.
Today was my first day in my elementary education field placement, which was in Kindergarten. I did not know what to expect in the Kindergarten classroom, so I went with my knowledge learned from my textbooks. The classroom was a warm and inviting room that made you feel happy and comfortable. The classroom was filled with brightly colored posters that pertained to many different academic content such as a number line, an alphabet, a calendar, different vin diagram charts, how to make words by letters chart, math procedures, ways to read, need to know words, how to sound out words, and a behavior chart. The room was like a magic learning palace.
During the observation of Morning Meeting, I noticed that my mentor teacher separated the children by gender when the calendar helper counted the number of boys and the girls in the classroom. My mentor teacher asked the calendar helper to have either the boys or girls stand up first to be counted. When the children are getting ready to go outside or to the bathroom, the teacher has also the boys and girls in separate lines. I felt that there were other characteristics for the teacher to separate the children. For example, she could she could have asked the children stand up or line up based on their eye color, hair color, the color of their clothing, their favorite animal, or even the first letter of their name. If my teacher broadened the
At the end of the lesson Students are going to be able to describe where they live using the verb "vivir" and "tener" in Spanish. During unit two, they been using the these verbs and in the beginning of the lesson they answer the "Do NOw" activity where I asked then: ?Donde tu vives? They answer the question in Spanish and used the verb in the correct tense. After that, they answer a listening question where they had to identify the part of the house using the vocabulary proposed at the beginning of the lesson. Finally, they started a project where they had to create a Floor plan and describe their ideal house. For this activity, they have to use the verb "tener" in present tense. The completion of these activities ensures the acquisition of the new vocabulary and the verbs tense. It is important to mention, that this lesson will continue next week because students need more time to complete their DOL activity.
The following data was gathered while fulfilling duties as a principal intern at Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The data was observed during five to seven minutes of classroom observation as part of a walk-through in the spring of the current school year. My cooperating supervisor for my internship was able to go on these walk-throughs with me in order to have a productive reflection meeting afterwards. This elementary school has two of each grade level from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Since it was more feasible in this small school setting, I actually was able to do a walkthrough in eight classes. Here I will report my observations from five of those walk-throughs. As I went in to each room I was looking for four
Classroom observation is a main approach of teaching research. Scholars or researchers use video to record the real whole class and observe the teachers and students’ actions, words and the efficiency in the class. Though the observation, they analyze what approach is more suitable. This paper will select video 5 and video 3 as the material to do the classroom observation. Different aspects such as teachers’ responds, questions, instructions notes and students’ behavior will be addressed to analyze the efficacy of this class.
Conducting classroom observations are very important to the prospective teacher. Observing helps show how experienced teachers manage their classroom. For this observation it was important to notice how the classroom was arranged, how the teacher interacted with the students, the teacher’s management style, and interview the teacher.
I chose to observe Mrs. Tijerina for my classroom observation. There are many reasons why I decided to observe Mrs. Tijerina. I elected to observe Mrs. Tijerina so I could see another teacher’s perspective on teaching Spanish, as she and Mrs. Fiechter are the only Spanish teachers in the school. Furthermore, I never had Mrs. Tijerina for Spanish 2, as the teacher I had left Adams Central. Additionally within the hour I was observing, there were many sophomore students that I knew personally so I was able to ask them on their options of the class. Finally, Mrs. Tijerina’s goal was to teach in a similar way to Mrs. Fiechter’s teaching, and by observing her I was able to compare and contrast the two
Many of the things that we have talked about in class were illustrated for me in