
Critique Of Hill's Homocentric Views On Just Business

Satisfactory Essays

Just Business
a. The anthropocentric or homocentric view of nature is placing humans above all including protecting the earth. White feels that humans where created to use nature selfishly, which is basically destroying the universe. Hill believes, the disregard to nature can be a disrespect to God and His creation if the actions of humans is taken too far. This could lead to a reduction of the natural resources God provided for us.
Anthropocentric differs from the biocentric view because it places humans first and biocentric places nature first. This could also include plants and animals depending on who is involved and what the situation is.
I agree with Hill’s responses to White’s criticisms of Christianity.
I agree or disagree with the …show more content…

I agree with all five of Hill’s elements of a balanced view of property. Below I will explain why I agree with each of Hill’s elements.
Accept responsibility of being stewards.
God created us in His image to take care of the His land and His people, therefore we need take responsibility and be the stewards God wants us to be. Caring for the people and taking care of the land is not a lot to perform in exchange for eternal life.
Be zealous for God in the marketplace.
Keeping God as our number one priority is how God wishes people to live their life. When we focus on Him first other things will fall into place. We should never let money control what we do, but be in control of the money. Living with responsibility and keeping our focus on the property He provides for our use. God should always be the main focus of everything we do while on earth.
Resist property-related temptations.
Humans naturally want more; we are never happy with what we have. It is important to remember that we are rich with love from God and that He will provide for us. If we have more than we need God wishes us to share with others. Greed pulls us away from God and we start to desire more and more.
Value people over

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