Connor Marke
English 1
14 February 2017
Cronus, also known as Saturn in the Roman era, was the god of time. He spent most of his time in the underworld and Italy. In the underworld, he fought his son, Zeus, to keep his power. After Zeus won, Cronus fled to Italy to serve as Saturn for the Romans. Cronus have some powers as well. He can deteriorate any object, age people rapidly, and slow down time. Cronus has a large family tree. His father, Uranus, and his mother, Gaea, had twelve children that consist of Coeus, Phoebe, Rhea, Ocean, Thetys, Cronus etc. Cronus married his sister, Rhea, and had six children. The kids are, Aides, Poseidon, Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Cronus was the youngest of twelve kids, and
“The Story of Cronus” is an interesting myth where Cronus eats his children in fear that they would one day take his throne and overpower him. Rhea, his wife, hid their last child, a god named Zeus in a cave in the heart of Mount Ida. He throve rapidly and soon developed great physical powers along with wisdom and intelligence. With the help of Metis, Zeus succeeded in forcing his father to disgorge his siblings. This caused a war in which Zeus had won with the help of the giants. This myth has the theme the struggle for power since Cronus is afraid of his children overpowering him. The novel The Lightning Thief, has the same theme as well since Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon fight with each other.
Hera, he had countless affairs and many children. His father, who he overthrew, was Cronos, and his mother was Rheas. He had five siblings, Poseidon and Hades, who he divided the realms with, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia. He was married to his sister, Hera, and had four children with her, Ares, Eileithyia, Hebe, Enyo, Eris, Angelos, and Hephaestus. Other gods that he had children with were Demeter, who gave birth to Persephone; Dione, who gave birth to Aphrodite; Eurynome, who gave birth to the Charities (Aglaea, Euphrosyne, and Thalia), and 23 other gods who bore him around 35 other children. While he had many affairs with gods, he had even more with mortals. A few of the many were Electra, who gave birth to Dardanus, Harmonia, and Iasius; Europa who gave birth to Minos, Rhadamanthys, Alagonia, Carnus, Dodon, and Sarpedon; and Leda, who gave birth to Polydeuces and Helen. He had another 43 affairs with mortals, and at least 54 other children with
both the myth of Cronus and the novel The Lightning Thief, characters often betray each other in the hopes of gaining more power. In the myth of Cronus, a god named Cronus swallowed his children to avoid being overthrown, as he had done to his own father. In both the myth of Cronus and The Lightning Thief characters often trick each other into giving up their power.
The story of Cronos, king of the Titans, was that he had four children with his wife Rhea. These Children are Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, and Hades, all of whom he swallowed because his parents had warned that he would be overthrown by his child. When Zeus was born, Rhea hid him in Crete and tricked Cronos into swallowing a stone instead. Zeus grew up with nymphs and a goat named Amalthae. When Zeus heard what had happened to his siblings he gave Cronos poison, which forced Cronos to throw-up his brothers and sisters. A war was then fought between the two groups, and the Olympians won, and ruled over the
Uranus- He is a early Immortal who was the sky and heavens and mostly considered the ruler of the universe. He had mated with Gaia to spawn the titans. Later when his son Chronos other throws him and cuts him, his blood foams in the water and birthed Aphrodite. He is accredited for the beginning of the Universe.
Hephaestus was born in the heavens. His parents are hera and Zeus. Hephaestus had many brothers and sisters he had a few close one's Ares Athenians Persephot Hebe and Athena. He was most closely with his brother Ares they would star battles with other people and gods or who ever wanted to fight. They were close until Ares had an affair with his wife.
Siblings: Hera had six siblings, three sisters, Demeter, Hestia, and Chiron. Hera also had three brothers, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.
The greek god Ares was most famous for his affair with Aphrodite and how unpopular he was with all of the other gods. Ares was the god of war and his strategies sided more towards the brutal and bloody part of the battles(greek). Ares roman name was also Mars(aris).
Throughout the age of discovery and exploration Britain established colonies and took control over India, Britain took control in the 17th century and extended their power over India into the 20th century where it ended[6]. British presence in India lasted centuries and took its toll on India. Although many positive outcomes came from British imperialism in India, the negative outcomes outweighed these. The negative effects had a greater impact on the lives of Indian people of all classes than any of the advantages. The disregard for the wellbeing of India and the exploitation of its people resulted in great tragedies.
Zeus was the supreme god and ruler of Olympus. He was known by many names: Lord of the Sky, the Rain-god, the Cloud-gatherer, and Zeus the Thunderer. Zeus was the sixth child born to Cronus and Rhea behind Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Dementer, and Hera. The high soaring eagle was sacred to him, and to the Romans he was known as Jupiter. Zeus was a strong, mighty, awesome, glorious, and wise god. Although, he was very foolish and naïve with hiding his love affairs from Hera.
Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was born on the riverbanks of Imbrasons, under a willow tree. When Hera and her siblings were born Cornos her father, thought one of his children was going to kill him, so he swallowed all of them. Including Hera. Later on when Zeus was born and grew up he killed Cronos, and freed his brothers and sisters.
He was the father of all the rivers and lakes of the world. But then the Olympians rebelled against the Titans, Zeus drove Cronus into the western ocean. When Zeus had taken his place as head of the gods, not even the oceans tides could defy him.
He was the husband of Ops and the father of Zeus, Jupiter, Hestia, Demeter, Posiedon, Hades, Pluto, and Hera. Saturn was the ruler of the gods. He found out that his son, Zeus, would be more powerful than himself, thus threatening his position. In effect, Saturn ate all of his children as soon as his wife conceived them. Thus, killing all chances of his rule being taken away. His wife tricked him and their son, Zeus, was born, and took the throne that was rightfully his.
However, Uranus was afraid that Cronus might overpower him and one day obtain all his power. Knowing this Uranus purposely tried to kill Cronus in multiply occasions, but Gaea would always protect him. One day Gaea and Cronus made a plan to have Cronus challenge Uranus and take over his power. So it happened, Cronnus challenged his father and was victorious during their battle and Uranus was left to rot (Bernard 1) "Now Cronus had become king of gods by killing his father Uranus” (Bernard 3). In both Greek and Roman Mythology, the relationship between parents and children are distorted, strained, and bizarrely transformed, because of their greediness for power and obsessiveness to be better than the other.
Cronus was a titan and controlled the world along with the other titans when Zeus was born. Cronus usually swallowed his children after they were born, but Rhea took Zeus to Mount Dicte where he was hidden from Cronus. He then came back to Cronus when he was older and made Cronus regurgitate his brothers and sisters. His brothers were Hades and Poseidon and his sisters were Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. He ended up marrying Hera and had eight children with her. He was infamous for his affairs with other women while married to Hera. He had many children and some of importance were Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes and Dionysus Hercules, Perseus the Muses, the Graces, and Helen of Troy were only a few of his children. He had many children that were gods and he had a few that were heros as