
Hades Research Paper

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Hades is the gloomy god of death. He rules over the underworld and everything under the ground, including the buried dead and everything that is buried with them. This included coins and other treasure.
Symbols of Hades include the ghosts of the dead, and pomegranate seeds. The ghosts of the dead are a symbol of him, because he rules over the underworld were the dead go. The ghosts would then follow their bodies. The pomegranate seeds are from a story where he finds his wife and tricks her into staying with him in the underworld after giving her six pomegranate seeds.
An animal this is symbolic of Hades is the three-headed dog. This animal is the guard of the underworld and will only let the dead into the underworld.
Hades family is very extensive, and can be traced all the way back to the primordial gods, and even The Void/Chaos. His parents are Saturn and Ops. His siblings are Vesta, Juno, Jupiter, Ceres, and Neptune. He had no children, but he is married to Poseperina, the Queen of the Underworld. Poseperina is Ceres’ daughter, making her Hades niece.
Hades lives in The Palace of the Underworld; this is because he was forbidden to visit Olympus, where the rest of the gods reside. The Underworld is a deep, dark place under the sea. …show more content…

The story of Cronos, king of the Titans, was that he had four children with his wife Rhea. These Children are Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, and Hades, all of whom he swallowed because his parents had warned that he would be overthrown by his child. When Zeus was born, Rhea hid him in Crete and tricked Cronos into swallowing a stone instead. Zeus grew up with nymphs and a goat named Amalthae. When Zeus heard what had happened to his siblings he gave Cronos poison, which forced Cronos to throw-up his brothers and sisters. A war was then fought between the two groups, and the Olympians won, and ruled over the

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