
Csa Porter Interview Paper

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Predication: On 12/26/16, Asset Protection Manager(APM) was contacted by APM Mario Garay regarding Customer Service Associate(CSA) Deisha Porter who was suspected of ringing up a gift card without placing any funds into the register. Facts: On 01/09/17, APM Orlando reviewed CCTV footage and POS transaction to confirm this allegation. CCTV footage revealed that CSA Porter loaded a gift card without presence of a customer. On 01/12/17, APM Orlando interviewed CSA Porter with Assistant Store Manager(ASM) Ivan Prudente as a witness. During the interview CSA Porter denied all of the allegation, however; CSA Porter stated that if she has active a gift card it would be for a customer but not for personal use. On 01/12/17, ASM Prudente

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