
Cultural Causes Of Obesity

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Bigger meals, less healthy options, GMOs, cost of healthy food rising, and people being less active than they used to be are just a few of the many deadly factors that cause obesity. Today’s culture downplays the effects of constantly eating junk food and not being active, and promotes the life of video games, TV, fast food, and unhealthy food. This has resulted in roughly 2/3s of the USA's population being obese or overweight (Ron Finley 2010). Children who have parents that are overweight are significantly more likely to become overweight themselves. This results in an endless cycle of being unhealthy (Mrs. Obama 2009).

Culture is defined as a pattern of ideas, customs and behaviours shared by a particular …show more content…

In 1960 the obesity rate in people in the USA was about ten percent; today the obesity rate is about 40 persent and is expected to be over 50 percent by 2030(center for disease control 2016). This rise in weight can directly be related to children and adults spending more time inside. People ages 8-18 spend an average of 7 hours, 38 minutes a day watching TV, playing video games, and spending time on the computer.(LA Times, 2012). This number is up from less than an hour a day in the 60s. When children don't go outside they don't get enough exercise, resulting in weight gain. Researchers have estimated that 16.9 percent of children and adolescents ages 2 to 9 are obese, and 31.7 percent are overweight. This translates to more than 12 million children and adolescents who are obese, and more than 23 million who are overweight.

While the majority of people realize that obesity is a problem and social and cultural habits are at the center of the issue, there are those who claim that obesity is not an issue and culture has no effect on it. Those who say that it is not an issue of culture say so because they either don't believe that obesity is an issue or, don't believe culture is at the heart of it. The evidence clearly proves that culture is a part of obesity because in areas such as Mississippi and Alabama, which are some of have some of the highest concentration of obesity in the country, where

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