
SSD2 Module 4 Notes Essay

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MODULE 04 Cross-Cultural Competency Culture Culture is the pattern of action and the ways of perceiving, feeling, and thinking acquired growing up in a particular group of people Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is the attitude held by the members of a culture that theirs is the only true, right, and best way to view and act in the world. Cultural relativism Cultural relativism is the idea that human behavior, ideas, and emotions must be understood in the context of the whole culture in which they occur. Culture shock Culture shock is the feelings of alienation, hostility, heightened ethnocentrism, sense of loss, depression and/or self doubt that may result from immersion in a new culture. Subcultures Subcultures are groups within complex …show more content…

Things that we would call beliefs are often thought of by other cultures as just the way things are - matters of fact, not opinion. Religious belief systems in particular and other aspects of locals' world view can be driving motivators for conflict; economics is not the only reason people fight. Power Systems In most cultures, any visible formal power structure will lie over a more fundamental, less formal, structure of influence. This underlying power system will often be based on patron-client relations, in which patrons become influential by acquiring clients who owe them favors. Often, this takes a pyramid form as more powerful patrons acquire clients who have clients of their own. Interacting directly with this patron-client power system can be more effective than trying to deal with people in overt formal positions of power. Kinship Kinship is usually much more of a cohesive social force in non-Western societies. Kin group members internalize a corporate identity - the family is viewed as an extension of the self. Often large, pyramid-shaped kin groups - usually descendants of one man (or, rarely, woman) and their dependents - serve to organize political, military, economic, and religious activities. City vs Country People in the city generally have much different ways of living and worldviews than people in the country. Adherence to rural customs may begin to slacken, groups of acquaintances and

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