Often the sea lion and walrus are confused as each other. They both are mammals and members of the seal family. They each travel and live in group of their own kind and are curious and social. These two are both fast skillful swimmers whose enemies are killer whales, polar bears, and man. They also walk on four flippers. So, it can be easy to mix these two up. Even though they are a lot alike, both have their differences. While the sea lion eats squid, small fish, and sea birds; walrus’s eat clams, crabs, and mollusks. The sea lion weighs up to 500-700 pounds. The walrus weigh up to a ton! The sea lion has a neck longer than the walrus does, but walrus’s have thick, massive necks. Sea lion can be train in zoos to do tricks
A. Rus hoelze et al, studied the impact of intense hunting of Northern Elephant Seals in the late 19th century, whose genetic variation reduced due to this bottleneck. This reduced their population size to just about 20. They found that although it has since rebounded to over 30K now but compared to their southern counterparts i.e., Southern Elephant Seals they have much less genetic variation. The Southern Elephant Seals didn’t went through this bottleneck event. It is clear that the genes of Northern Elephant Seals still carrying the marks of this bottleneck.
In 2008 the U.S Army Corps of Engineers observed 17 Steller Sea Lions eat 606 White Sturgeon below the Bonneville Dam. Which counted for 98 percent of the predation documented by sea Lions on Sturgeon that year. While California Sea Lions counted for 96 percent of the predation on Salmon and Steelhead that Year. As the facts shows the Steller Sea Lion is mainly the one preying on the White Sturgeon and the California Sea Lion is mainly preying on the
The traits for a bottlenose dolphin and a harp seal are similar and different,but mostly different.The are both grey.Even though they both have the same color a bottlenose dolphin weighs much more than a harp seal.A bottlenose dolphin’s length is eight and a half feet and a harp seals’s is five and two feet to six and two feet.Bottlenose dolphins’ life expectancy is up to twenty to fifty years,which is much greater than a harp seals’ life expectancy,which is up to thirty five years.
Steller sea lions have few predators. Their main predators are killer whales, Great white sharks, Pacific sleeper sharks, and humans. Steller sea lions defend themselves by outswimming their predators. They can also sense when predators are nearby and their biggest defense is to get onto land. Their preys are the wide range of animals that they feed on. They track their behavior by diving deep as the prey moves deeper, and they gather in groups in locations that have seasonal runs of fish.
The seal lion population has decreased by eighty-percent. The weird thing is that there is no bodies to prove that the seal lions are gone. Some of the causes of the decrease could be fisherman, pollution, and killer whales. The sea lions could also be starving to death. The fisherman are taking all of their sources of food. But, in Alaska the sea lions are thriving and the whales are not. Thirty years ago ninety percent of the whale population was gone in Alaska. This resulted in an abundance of more krill and plankton, which lead to more pollock and herring. The sea lions ate the herring the most as it was healthier and kept them full. But, when the herring population decreased the sea lions had to eat pollock. Pollock is the “junk food
One hypothesis proposes that the reason Steller sea lions have been declining is because of low prey abundance. Animals should use their energy efficiently when they forage to maximize the net amount of energy gained in relation to the amount time and energy that is spent, but it is believed that the reason Steller sea lions are disappearing in such big numbers is because when prey abundance is lower, that Stellar sea lions are less efficient predators (Charnov, 1976). In a recent study conducted on the effect of prey abundance on foraging efficiency, it was found that the less prey that Stellar sea lions had available, the less efficient they were in foraging (Goundie et al., 2015). In the experiment, the researchers took 4 adult Stellar sea lions and had them dive up and down a tube while recording their oxygen consumption, and dive duration. The sea lions dove between the surface of the water and depths of 10 m, and 40 m, and the reason for this was to simulate diving depths of Steller sea lions in the wild (Merrick and Loughlin, 1997). While the sea lions were diving, researchers fed them pieces of fish through two different tubes that were placed away from each other in order to simulate real foraging movements and prey densities. The researchers fed the seals 12 pieces of fish in the
Females are tan and males are chocolate brown. Male sea lions can reach uq to 6-8 feet and weigh 440-880 pounds. Females are 5-6 feet and can weigh 110-240 pounds. Their eyes are very large. They have 40-60 whiskers and 34-38 teeth. Their hind limbs have 5 digits. On three of those there are nails. When swimming their hind limbs help them to steer.A Sea lion has a small flattened tail in between its hind limbs. Sea lions have ear flaps. These animals can voluntarily open and close their nostrils. A common behavior of this animal is to scratch its neck with its hind leg like a dog. Sea lions rest in groups of ten or more on the beach. Their average lifespan is 15-25
When walrus hunt for food they dive in the water and find food, once they are done they return to the surface ice to lay on and rest in between their hunts. When the summer ice melts, the walrus swim to the shore for rest. As the walrus come to shore they meet each other in large groups called haul outs. Haul outs are group of walrus that gather on land due to increased receding ice. Sea ice has been receding at a fast rate and are causing more and more haul outs. These haul outs are very dangerous to the walrus because they are easily spooked from humans, cars, and other animals. When spooked, they run to the water for safety and trample other walrus on the way, giving the calves no way of survival.
Although polar bears and penguins both live in polar regions, they will never meet. Polar bears and penguins live in different polar regions. The Arctic in the north is home to polar bears while penguins live in Antarctica in the south. Oblinger shares descriptions of the lives and activities of polar bears roaming wild and penguins gliding through the sea as well as other animals living alongside the polar bear and penguin. Oblinger’s factual narrative ties together beautifully with Wheatcroft’s illustrations.
Despite having “whale in its name, the false killer whale is actually a large dolphin like its namesake “the killer whale”. The difference between a “whale” and a “dolphin” is much like the difference between a “ship” and a “boat”. It has more to do with size than science. In fact, false killer whales are large dolphins.
The walrus’s scientific name is Odobenus Rosmarus, the adults weigh about 4,400 lbs. The adults measure up to 9.4 ft.it is a large flippered marine animal with a discontinuous distribution about the North Pole in in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The walrus has played a prominent role in the cultures of many indigenous Arctic peoples, who have hunted the walrus for its meat, fat, skin, tusks, and bone. The walrus can live to about 20-30 years old.Grayish-brown that are small are babys.
Probably some of the most fearsome and violent monsters contain characteristics of a lion. A prime example is the Nemean lion. This lion was vicious and could not be hurt by bronze or stone. Since the lion is a very powerful and fierce animal, this monster is especially feared because it is partially lion and invincible to weapons. The Griffin is another ferocious monster that has the body of a lion but the head and wings of an eagle. It is especially known to guard treasure. It is a mix of the lion, the king of beast, and the eagle, king of birds, so it was very powerful. In general, monsters with lion characteristics are very powerful and feared.
The walrus, or Odobenus rosmarus, is the only living species in the family Odobenidae. Walruses can belong to one of two subspecies, an Atlantic (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and a Pacific (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) variety (Pryaslova et al., 2009). Walrus is an important resource for various indigenous peoples, such as the Yupik residents of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, who rely on walrus hunting for a large portion of their food supply (Huntington et al., 2014). The ecological status of walrus has been called into question multiple times, mostly due to the decline of walrus populations in certain locations (Kinoshita et al., 2012) and the time it takes to register the official status (MacCracken et al., 2014). Finding an effective means of determining the ecological status of walrus is essential to ensure proper wildlife management.
Majestic, noble, and brave, this famous iconic wild animal on the planet has captivated the people since the beginning of time. They are most feared by other animals thus, known as the king of the jungle – no other than the lions. Member of the genus Panthera, the lion is one of the big cats in the Felidae family. A lion’s head and body size average about 4.5 to 6.5 feet and tail of about 26 to 40 inches in length. A lion also weighs about 265 up to 420 pounds and a size relative to a 6-foot human. These mammals are also carnivores. Lions have always seen hunting in groups called pride. While lions generally avoid a full-grown elephant, lions still prefer their preys large like the zebras, buffaloes, and giraffes. Poised as the top animal in the ecological pyramid, lions have strong physical qualities, fascinating reputation, and an unfortunate decreasing number of population.
Many anmals have different ways on survivng on this planet. Lions are animals that are feared. When a lion is hungry they don't just got to a McDonalds and order a burger. They hunt for food. They're tactical and quick. For example, a gazele is walking around minding its own business. But, what it doesn't know that a lion is stalking it waiting for the right time to leap out and attack. A lion can hunt at anytime of the day because they have night vision where it can see both during the day and during the night. A lion must find its mate to reprouce. When they do reproduce they have cubs, and they take care of their cubs until its old enough to hunt and live its own life. Even though a lion is feared it still has to survive because other animals,