
Cultural Differences Paper

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Cultural Differences Paper

Cultural Differences
Many people throughout the world indentify themselves by their cultural background. It is common knowledge that there are many different cultures throughout the world. Each culture has its similarities and differences. Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national, regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasy—that act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic …show more content…

People with gender identity disorder may act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex and may express a desire to alter their bodies. The disorder affects an individual's self-image, and can impact the person's mannerisms, behavior, and dress. Individuals who are committed to altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and, in some cases, surgery are known as transsexuals A person with a gender identity is a person who strongly identifies with the other sex. The individual may identify with the opposite sex to the point of believing that he/she is, in fact, a member of the other sex who is trapped in the wrong body. This causes that person to experience serious discomfort with his/her own biological sex orientation. The gender identity disorder causes problems for this person in school, work or social settings. This disorder is different from transvestism or transvestic fetishism where cross-dressing occurs for sexual pleasure, but the transvestite does not identify with the other sex (Ruble DN 1994)

Racial Identity Racial identity is which racial society a person mostly identifies with. However, in today’s world many people have two or more racial identities that make it more difficult for them to grasp and understand the cultural traditions and beliefs. On of the most prominent influences in America is President Barack Obama. As the Unites States first black president has taken office, a

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