
Cultural Diversity In The Police Workplace

Decent Essays

Culture is a way a group of people live, their beliefs and communicate with each other. (DOESN’T SOUND RIGHT BUT DON’T KNOW HOW TO FIX IT). What entails culture include their food, religion, beliefs and other practices specific to them. Every agency I have worked for include a multicultural work staff and I always have to be careful with my communications or behavior because, what might seem right to me may be offensive to another. Culture may also include gender, race, national origin, class, or religion. The example I have always used to understand culture is that, during school games different classes’ play against each other but when it comes to inter-school games, the whole school becomes one and play against other schools. That is how …show more content…

When an organization has its boards to include people from different background, it helps to make a general decision to cover everybody instead of having people with the same background making decisions for a diverse population. This allows for effectiveness in reaching decisions. Cultural diversity is important for the police workforce because, we deal with people from different race and background and some of the people feel more relaxed and easy to talk to officials when they see they have a common language or background. Sometimes when interpreters are not available, it makes it easier to communicate with people who cannot speak the common language which is English. (DUNNO IF IT’S IMPORTANT, IF IT IS MAKE CORRECTION TO SENTENCE. I FEEL SOMETHING IS MISSING TO MAKE IT RIGHT). Since it is the duty to of Police officers to protect and serve everybody in the community no matter their background, it essential for them to learn and understand the challenges of a diverse community they serve. A lack of cultural diversity knowledge can result in unintentional violation of a persons’ beliefs and rights leading to wrongful accusations of officers of being racist and prejudice. To avoid these wrongful accusations, all officers must accept the diversity of the nation or community they serve and in order to improve communication and relationship across all cultural and racial

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