
Cultural Issues Created by the Prohibition Era.

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While the prohibition movement of the early twentieth century was brought on with a wholesome and moral mindset, the economic, political, and cultural factors relating to its origins and enactment untimely doomed it for failure. Such groups as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the progressive party argued that drinking was the cause of political corruption, crime, bad labor conditions, and a declining sense of family values. These groups’ protests and rallies gained enormous support quickly for a constitution amendment as early as 1913 with the Jubilee Convention. Before the Eighteenth Amendment officially declared the U.S as a dry country, prohibition was already in effect in a majority of states and counties. By the time the amendment took effect in January of 1920, three of every four Americans lived in a dry county; and due to the enactment of the Webb-Kenyon Act of 1913 outlawing the shipment of alcohol into dry states, the amendment caused little change in the lives of many Americans. Many hoped that prohibition would be the moral reform that would regenerate society; however, it resulted in more corruption and organized crime. Unperceived economic factors relating to bootlegging, taxes, and police enforcement heavily contributed to the demise of the prohibition era. As soon as the eighteenth amendment took effect a ring of bootlegging and organized gangs emerged. In addition to many of these bootleggers brewing their own “moonshine” to sell, several

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