Culture is the most fundamental component that makes up a man's character and identity. Each individual has their own way of life established from the group they lived in and the family they grew up influencing the individual character to individuals have in the general society. Individual perspectives, parts of thinking and judgment and the general rationale thinking about an individual are influenced altogether by the way of life he or she has. Gladwell writes “We do owe something to parentage and patronage. The people who stand before kings may look like they did it all by themselves. But in fact they are invariably the beneficiaries so hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work
Some may ask what it means to be a part of a specific culture. It may be believed that it merely means to share the same qualities of race, language, and social beliefs. What is not really known are the rise of expectations to fill, repressed wants and needs, or even the binding religious beliefs. A person must begin to recognize the holdings a culture may have on them and how it affects their free will as an individual.
Have you thought of someone’s culture as weird? Have you thought that you are completely different from them? If so, what prompts us to make that assumption. Culture is a very good reason for this. So, to what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Culture informs a person on the way others are and the world.
When one is questioned about their culture, a common answer involves a person’s upbringing and how they were raised. How an individual is brought up into the world determines how they live their life, how they make their life, and how they view their life. This is because culture plays a major role on one’s everyday life: history, relationships, social status Though one’s culture is a major key on how one lives their live, their personality may also play a role in their life as well as how they view the world. A person may make certain decisions in their life that are pulled from their own personality as an individual rather than their background; but, those views were taught and introduced by past experiences at one point or another.
“[I]magine culture as invisible webs composed of values, beliefs, ideas about appropriate behavior, and socially constructed truths” (Trumbell, 9). Everybody has a different background to correspond with how they see the world through their values, beliefs, and ideas. People act a certain way and dress a certain way because of their culture also. Someone’s culture has a significant impact on the way they view other people and the world because of how uncertain they are of their culture and their own personal and past experiences.
Although one’s culture is based on their experiences they have had, it is also based on values of family and education that help shape one’s opinion and view.
No individual can arrive at the threshold of his potentialities without a culture in which he participates. Conversely, no civilization has in it any element that the last analysis is not the contribution of an individual. Where else could any trait come from except from the behaviour of a man or a woman or a child? (253)
Secondly, culture can influence individuals have better thoughts and ideas. This will allow them to have more options of what they should do. This will allow them to have clearer goals of how they can perceive themselves. Twenge states that valuing learning and feelings are really important, he states in his essay that “No. They should feel bad if they didn’t work hard and try. And even if they don’t succeed, sometimes negative feelings can be a motivator” (502). “Work hard” and “try” mainly discuss that these two are key points to shape people differently. People need to use their own hands and try to think how to do can make the job or study become better. This also shows that sometimes people cannot only feel good about themselves and do
Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviour. Growing up, children learn basic values, perception and wants from the family and other important groups.
The cultural legacies of the Maori reveals to a great extent the properties of their society in addition to the skills possessed by the Maori. They were a very culturally rich civilization, and harboured some of the most well known ancient practices that still leave a mark on New Zealand today.
Culture is a key aspect of a human that reflects on their lifestyle, family, traditions and pulls together the external influences that play a role in how one chooses to live their life. For me, culture is something you collect throughout your lifetime. In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to travel outside of the United States and meet people from all over the world. I have seen how people go about their daily routines in many different ways compared to mine. The main cultural influence that has been present in my life since day one is the closeness of my family. All my cousins are very close it has often odd when I hear about families with weak relationships and small size. Another influence that has shaped my behavior was my exposure of extreme poverty and extreme wealth while living in Mexico. Lastly, a cultural influence that has shaped my belief system is my education.
In today’s society, an individual who is a member of the dominant privileged societal assembly is not always discussed because the personal identity is taken as a guarantee due to the dominant culture. Nevertheless, culture affects the members of society because of the association with the dominant culture we become a different category consequently which leads to being treated and viewed differently (Tatum, 2000.) “Culture creates a person” (Vognar, 2012). In my opinion, culture influences how we represent ourselves; starting with how we communicate, behave, body gestures and postures. This can affect us psychologically. “Culture shapes us, but many events mold culture and we shape these just as much”. By virtue of unconsciously of us behaving in a way that we feel is culturally appropriate according to how we were raised from our early childhood years to our teenage
The manner in which an individual defines himself or herself is often rooted, in part, in his or her family of origin. Family of origin is comprised of one’s family culture, which encompasses several components, including values, traditions, ethos, patterns, rules, communication style, etc. It is impossible to not be influenced by one’s family, whether one is influenced to maintain family culture, reject family culture, or have a combination of maintained and rejected aspects of family culture. After all, everyone is a product of their environment and the earliest environment that humans universally experience is family.
As a baby we aren’t born with culture. The people who are responsible for our socialization are our parents and others who we might associate with…teachers, friends, etc. As a very small child we learn about the culture we were born in as well as our gender roles. Depending on some cultures women for example are taught that they will be homemakers and do a large share of work. In my culture I learned my future role which would be a daughter, friend, sister, a wife in the future possibly, and then maybe a mother. This is also the time we learn what society expects of us; the norms per say. This is also the time in our lives that our personality forms. While our personality has much to do with our upbringing and genes it also is created by the culture we are in. “Research in geographical sciences has shown regional variation on a number of indicators—including public
(definition) Personal culture is the foundation of who we are. It is what makes us unique individuals. From the kinds of foods our culture indulges in, to the way our culture views certain aspects in life such as sports, freedom, and family. For certain individuals, family may be the most important aspect in their life, whereas others may not feel the same. The same can be applied to our personal culture traits. Some may view certain traits such as, perseverance, sacrifice, and commitment more valuable than others. This occurs because throughout our life we have experiences that shape which traits will mean the most to us. These experiences may be horrific or joyful and will ultimately have an impact on the rest of our lives. Throughout my eighteen years on earth I have had many experiences that shaped what I view to be important traits in my life. These traits have guided me through adversity and will be engraved in my heart, mind, and soul indefinitely. They are faith, love, and grit.