
Cultural Stereotypes In Hollywood

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The United States of America is a country full of diversity. America was established and continues growing with the help of other nations. People come to America from different countries with different religions, aspirations, and cultures. America attempts to understand the differences of those who are from a different country, but has failed in many ways. America has failed to understand that everybody is different regardless of race and nationality; that although two people can be born in the same country, they can be completely different from one another. This can be patently observed in the media, especially Hollywood films. For many decades, Hollywood has done a great job in brainwashing their viewers, such as creating stereotypes that are undeniably followed present day. Those stereotypes that have been persistently followed till this day, affect the way Americans perceive people of different nationalities. Hollywood writers and directors have a social responsibility to avoid stereotyping ethnic characters. Understanding the effects stereotypes have on individuals is critical since one can easily fall victim of that sequence. Hollywood has inflicted the acts of discrimination within certain ethnic groups, misrepresentated women in the media, and caused role conflicts to many individuals due to stereotyping. Some might say that Hollywood does not create stereotypes that increase the likelihood of discrimination against a social group. However, that statement is false

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