
Culture And Childbirth: Article Analysis

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Writing Assignment 2:

This article is aimed to compare and contrast how women of different cultures and education levels rate the pain of childbirth. The participants in this study were 83 women from a major hospital in Israel between the ages of 19 and 38, and they were classified into categories depending on culture and whether they had higher or lower levels of education (Weisenberg 15). The study consisted of four different dependent variable groups; pain ratings, pain behavior, extroversion and coping style. Other factors that were measured include whether or not the women took a preparation for childbirth course, if the husband attended the birth of the child, and how many times the women has given birth to a child before. Based on these factors and the categories the women were in, conclusions were drawn about the relationships between the pain of childbirth across the different cultures and educational groups. The women in the study were separated into two cultural categories. The Western group contained 30 …show more content…

The first rating was taken once the women was fully dilated, the second rating was right when the women was told to push, and the third rating was once the child was completely outside of the womb. It was found that the middle-eastern group rated their pain higher than the western group. It was also concluded that the lower education level groups ranked their pain higher than the higher education level groups. The relationship between culture and educational group concluded that there was not much of a difference in pain ratings between the lower and high educational levels of the western group, however the middle-eastern group with lower education levels ranked their pain higher than the middle-eastern group with higher

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