
Culture, Values, And Ethics Essay

Good Essays

Before, during, and after a merge/acquisition many aspects of a business should be considered/restructured, many of which are no brainiers, such as financials, locations, customer base, etc. What is often forgot or looked over is culture, values, and ethics. Culture holds a specific importance to the success of a business, and during a merger or acquisition this importance should only be amplified. It is, as I see it, the acquirers’ duty to spend a great deal of time, resources, and effort on a newly defined culture. RPZ must take in to consideration both companies previously established cultures before the merge, what were the core values, ethics, benefits, recognition? Once they are considered separately the must then see how they can put the two together while keeping customers, employers, and stakeholders happy, all while staying within budget, and staying in line with their new business model. A culture could also be referred to as a personality of a company, it has less to do with what a company does and is more about how they do it. Webster defines culture as “a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)”. Behavior is more important to business than some realize, and if a company lacks and overall behavior/personality it is likely they would lose other important variables that make any business thrive; morale, drive, focus, integrity, quality, standards, etc. A good culture/behavior standard can be taught and

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