
Current Issues Involved With Implementing Byod Programs

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The term ‘BYOD’ stands for Bring Your Own Device. It refers to allowing students to bring their own device to school. BYOD is a current issue that presents both strengths and challenges. This report will aim to inform about current issues involved with implementing BYOD programs, potential benefits of programs and a recommendation as to weather a BYOD should be implemented into Pine Hill Primary School.

Summary of Articles
This report focuses on key trends, challenges and developments for the present, and the short and long-term future. The NMC Horizon Report outlines that studies have concluded that BYOD in a primary school context has a positive effect on student’s knowledge of the topics being taught (Johnson et al, 2014). The …show more content…

The two-page summary of BYOD looks at how incorporating BYOD into classrooms would allow students to bring mobile devices from home such as laptops, tablets, smartphones and any other mobile device. BYOD reflects the contemporary lifestyle and way of working and now many students bring their own devices into the classroom and connecting them to the schools network (Johnson et al, 2014).

Mobile devices have become the gateway to personal working and learning environments that facilitate the exploration of new subjects and ideas at a pace that is suitable to each learner (Johnson et al, 2014). They allow the learners to take ownership of their learning. Education researchers have highlighted BYOD as the best practice to accommodate personalised learning as it provides the conditions to foster student-centred learning. Studies that have looked at one to one technology use in have shown that students’ performances are improved; students felt a sense of ownership and had a positive influence on the students, subject knowledge (Johnson et al, 2014).

To BYOD or not to BYOD? (Callaghan, 2013)
This magazine article discusses some of the reasons why schools are implementing BYOD policies and considers some of the challenges that schools may face if and when they decided to

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