
Customer Service Project Plan

Decent Essays

Currently, the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency is focusing on improving customer service from good to exceptional. A project which can improve delivery of service has been laid out in this paper. To deliver a person-centered customer service, the goal of this project is to bring several critical departments together by offering service catered to the customer’s needs. For example, cash-aid, food, medical, child welfare, child support, and adult protective services and probation all into one business hub. Currently, the county makes manual referrals or sends the customer to separate departments without the ability to track these referrals or follow through to see if the customers received the benefits they were …show more content…

Project Milestones: projecting a 1-year duration for the project. • Develop project plan – 1 month • Procurement for license of system – 2 months • Budget plan – 1 month • Build project team – 1 month • Create training materials and policy and procedural guide – 2 months • Meet with departments SME and selection of Champions– 1 month • User testing and mock go-live testing– 2 months • Training staff – 2 months • Go-Live - 12th month Project Requirements and Limitations: Due to the size of the county and the number of staff that will be utilizing this system, database size may be inadequate as a larger number of users are added, increasing the database size as well as the firewall will need to be evaluated at each stage. Further, due to Federal and State laws that restrict the sharing of confidential information, such as criminal and medical records, strict guidelines will be implemented to grant or deny access to staff to ensure the protection each individual’s confidentiality. Staffing Management Plan (identify stakeholders and project team) Successfully managing a project is synonymous with managing people, which takes management and leadership skills. Project managers will only be as successful as the people on the team and the relationship with the stakeholders. Accordingly, identifying key players and understanding the role and

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