
Per Satterlee, Chapter Eight Of Organization Management

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Per Satterlee, chapter eight of Organization Management and Leadership, is about operations management, which is how products or services are provided in the most efficient and effective way. “Operations management is the implementation of all the functions of management,” (Satterlee, p. 224). This includes where infrastructure may be built, where supplies and materials are obtained, production is scheduled, inventory is managed, and equipment is maintained.
Project management takes a leading role within operations. If done correctly, project management allows projects to be completed in an allotted amount of time, at an allotted budget, with an allotted number of employees as pre-determined through a vetted planning process. Many …show more content…

A project manager must be a skillful planner and can inspire his or her team to produce as needed. Per LaBrosse (2007), project management can be used throughout the organization to boost personal and collaborative productivity by building a standardized system that embeds best practices into the way projects are managed” (p.26).
There are tools that are used by project managers, one of which was developed by the United States Navy. Satterlee (2013), tell us about “a common tool used in project management is Program (or Project) Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). First developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s, it is used to represent and analyze tasks involved in a project” (p.234). Tools like this are essential to aid the project manager during the planning phase, when considering if the project can be completed under budget without jeopardizing the quality of work.
Total Quality Management
Toyota Production System
Total Quality Management is a process that strives for complete satisfaction internally and externally. There are two popular methods used in today’s organizations, The Toyota Production System and the Six Sigma model. Toyota created its management system over the course of three decades. It is also known as lean manufacturing, which is in regards to limiting the amount of waste produced. This is not just physical waste but includes the management of time throughout the process, for example time waiting, conveyance,

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