
Cyber Bullying And Its Effects On Its Victims

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Society is constantly revolutionizing through technological advances that are creating, changing and shifting the individuals who live in it, especially cyber bullying. With the rise in the use of technology, digital culture and anonymity, cyber bullying has become a prominent issue that can have negative psychological effects on its victims through the power of these technological advances. This new 21st century term is derived from standard physical bullying has become a prominent and revolving issue as cellphone, texting and social media sites take away one’s privacy by causing harmful psychological effects on its victims (Siegel, 2012). With the advancement of technology, cyber bullying has becoming a prominent issue in society. The term cyber bullying is defined as using technology, like emails, social media and text messaging as a means to inflict psychological distress on another (Barlett, 2013) Since this is a new term derived from the old one; bullying, it is defined as either inflicting physical pain or social exclusion as a means of harming (Chibbaro, 2010). This new advancement known as the Internet has lead to the misuse of technology, which is seen in younger individuals who are unaware of the psychological distress they cause to one another (Barlett, 2013). This issue discussed by Siegel (2012) reports the excessive use as “the Internet is in the air they breathe, how they function in the world” (Siegel, 2012)”. These individuals turn to the Internet as a

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