
Cyber-Bullying Epidemic

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Cyber-bullying has become the 21st century epidemic, a former school yard incident has been brought into the children’s home through the internet and social media sites. It has become impossible for people to avoid the verbal and emotional harassment. Cyber bullying primarily happens to school age children and cause serious psychological damage to the victims. Cyber bullying has a lot of the same motivators as the former school yard bullying, it is meant to ridicule and humiliate its victims. However, with the internet a person can hide their identity, assume someone else’s and provide confidence to our own self since face to face contact is not necessary.
There are many ways that a person can cyber bully, from threatening texts or emails, to malicious and scandalous rumors posted on media pages or a person pretending to be the victim in order to damage their reputation. As the current generation is exposed to the increase in technology and adult content through the media sexual pictures they have sent can also be used as a cyber bullying tactics, persuading the victim with kindness and interest, then sending it to the public. The victims of these crimes experiences detrimental …show more content…

Megan’s case was the first to address the issue and while it shocked everyone the fact a parent would participate in such a juvenile crime, it was also shocking to see the dangers posed by social media websites not only from strangers but from friends. Since Megan’s case attempts of suicide as a result from cyber bully have increased becoming more public. The educational system has employed techniques and classes in order to prevent students from engaging in in the crime and to allow victims to seek help. In Virginia it is a law that all schools have punishment such as detention, suspension and expulsion for any instance of

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