
Cyber Bullying Is Dangerous Regardless The Way It Is Done

Decent Essays

Cyber bullying is dangerous regardless the way it is done. When I was younger, I experienced it myself some of the other girls would pick on me through name calling, pushing and making rumors about me that weren 't true. Teens will find anything to pick on about which would be through their idea of a slight imperfection weight, sexual orientation, disablement and looking different some will take it too far to the point the bullied child wants to commit suicide and that is the reason for this essay to make people aware and help stop things like this from happening. There are many different types of bullying that we have a need to look for Physical bullying would be a form of bullying that is more obvious and most definitely frowned upon as with all other types. It occurs when teens use physical action that in return breaks the mental will of the victims mind giving the bully power, influence and control over their targets. Verbal bullying this is when they use words, statements, and name-calling, emotional bullying also known as relational is when they being teased, insulted, ignored, excluded and intimidated, cyber bullying uses the Internet, a cell phone or other technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person this one is the worse because it can be done in your own house the one place you are suppose to feel safe, then there is prejudicial bullying this is when they are prejudice towards people of different races, religions or sexual orientation.

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