
Shooting At Columbine High School

Decent Essays

This paper focuses on the idea of prevention of bullying and school violence. It also takes a look at the events leading up to the shooting at Columbine High School. Could the tragedy have been prevented? If so, how? These boys most likely had serious mental illness. According to Cullen (2004) “ Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite mental conditions.” The boys were also severely bullied for being different than their peers. Make Beats not Beat Downs (2009) made the observation that 86% of students said, “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools. We need to work together in order to bring an end to bullying and school violence.

Why is it that we do not take action until tragedy strikes? A school should be one of the safest environments for a child or young adult to be in. Schools should be working harder to inforce bully free zones. Bullies are what causes students to feel that they need to take out all their anger on others, and sometimes those results are catastrophic. …show more content…

Baezelon (2013) says that “Bullying is a particular form of harmful aggression, linked to real psychological damage, both short and long term.” A bully is someone who feels the need to pick on others, sometimes due to his or her own inferiority. There are four different types of bullying. Physical bullying is any type of physical harm to someone, such as hitting, kicking, or pushing. Verbal bullying is putting someone down through words some examples are name calling or insults. Indirect Bullying is gossiping or spreading rumors with the intention to hurt the victim. Cyber Bullying is hurting someone through social media. (Make Beats not Beatdowns,

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