
Cyber Bullying Is Not A New Phenomenon

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Producing Danger
Bullying in school is not a new phenomenon; it is as old as the education system. In texts as ancient as the Bible examples are explicit and evident. Throughout the ages bullying has been a tragic and catastrophic element that seems inevitable as it affects the lives of its victims. The fundamental purpose of a school is to educate and coach children in their emotional, cognitive, civic, vocational, and social development. On the contrary, however, schools are generating cutthroat, cruel, and isolated environments as oppressive social hierarchies are formed to comply with stereotypical gender traits. From ancient times to present day, bullying has always taken place. It may be delivered physically, verbally, and now even …show more content…

The Story of Joseph, in the book of Genesis, struck me as a primeval example of bullying dating back to 5th century BCE. Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob and was born to Jacob’s favorite wife, Rachel. At the age of 17, Joseph was a shepherd alongside 11 of his brothers. His father, Jacob, displayed much more love to Joseph than any of his other sons, so much so that he gave Joseph a one of a kind "coat of many colors" (Genesis 37:23). The other brothers were jealous of Joseph and distained him. Joseph only further provoked this hatred when he told his brothers about two of his dreams he had of the family. The brother’s tolerance only lasted so long. When the brothers saw him alone in a field, they plotted to kill him. When Joseph approached, they tore off his special coat and threw him into a pit. His brother, Judah, came up with the idea to sell Joseph into slavery. The brothers then dipped his coat into goat blood brought it back to Jacob. Jacob recognized the coat and concluded that a beast had killed his son, while in reality; he was in a caravan heading towards Egypt.
There is no denying the raised awareness about bullying today than in past years. Although bullying has always existed, only recently has it been systematically measured. It was only in the 1980’s when Dan Olweus conducted initial studies on Norwegian and Swedish students. This account of

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