
Essay on Czechoslovakia

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At the early part of the 1990s, a major change in ideology was changing the face of Eastern Europe. With the collapse of the Soviet authority in 1989, many of the Eastern European countries claimed their independence, and started the process of Democratization in a Post-Communist environment. On January 1, 1993, almost three years after they claimed independence, the first Czechoslovakian constitution was ratified, thus putting the wheel of Democracy into motion. For a little more than ten years, Czechoslovakia has been fashioning itself into a more Democratized country. I am going to examine the validity of Democracy in Post-Communist Czechoslovakia. Through examining the oversight power of social institutions, the economy, national …show more content…

Both the President and Prime Minister are elected by the majority party, not the people. It is here, in my view, that Democracy in Czechoslovakia is weakened. The party charged with selecting the candidates is popularly elected, but the candidate is not personally chosen by the people. Furthermore, the constitution grants a five year term, and no limits on terms, to the president. I think it is imperative for a good Democracy to not have one leader for an exaggerated period of time. This invites more changes to take place and also provides the opportunity for different regimes to function; however, the first president elected to power did resign on his own will last February and a new Socialist President was selected. So, there is a definite Democratic process in the selection and function of the leadership in Czechoslovakia, but I feel that it is still a weak system that needs some reform.

The foreign and domestic policy in Czechoslovakia is something that has undergone radical change since Soviet rule. Under Soviet rule, Czechoslovakia's social institutions were all under one control. Education, healthcare and other institutions were all systematized by one authority. In 2003, massive decentralization reforms changed the administration of the Czech government. The oversight powers of many social institutions, such as education, healthcare, territorial planning and the environment, were transferred to 14 regional governments. This transfer of power

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