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Addiction in Philippines

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of addiction in Philippines, and how addiction effects users, and Filipino.

Controlling Idea: Addiction has components that influence the behavior in addicts, there are scientific reasoning, warning signs, and treatment alternatives.

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse about half Filipino have a loved one, a friend, or an acquaintance who is addicted to drugs.

I. The definition of drug abuse is the compulsive use of drugs, to where the user has no effective choice but to continue.

II. A person who becomes enslaved in these addictions, can lose their livelihoods, friends, family, possessions, and their own lives.
A. In the …show more content…

A. There are Residential Rehabs.
1. They last approximately for 30 days.
B. Detoxification, either at a hospital or another facility.
C. Ambulory, out patient, receiving treatment a few hours a day.
D. There is the 12 Step Program, known as Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous.

In conclusion, understanding addiction is crucial aspect when it comes to prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Many people of every type, are greatly effected by the impact of drug abuse. It’s ever bodies problem.
Some may believe those who deal with an addiction, or a family members addiction, may be horrible people, liars, and criminals.
Ultimately, the understanding, we will realize the physical, psychological, and scientific reasoning that motivates a user to use.
Addiction is a disease……a preventable disease.
There is always hope for an addict, and if we were to all be open minded and truthful we could maybe save them. Which saves Philippines as a whole.

There are many people and organizations in our culture who are trying very hard to make sure that Drug Addiction is NOT seen as a disease or as the result of genetic or biological predisposition. These people have a strong personal and social interest in an entirely nonphysiological model of addictive human behavior. Their perspective of social problems is based primarily on a philosophical orientation with a social perspective, heralding socio-political correctness as its goal.
Throughout history,

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