
DSM-5 Diagnostic Analysis

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Understanding the DSM-5 The structural reorganization of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5) has caused it to become highly controversial and heavily criticized (Neimeyer, 2014). The structural reorganization focuses on a more theoretical based practice rather than an evidenced based practice. Utilization of an evidenced based practice has been the norm for nearly 20 years, leaving practitioners and clinicians critical about the recent changes. Transforming into a more theoretical way of thinking is reminiscent of the ideological approach of diagnosing and treating patients in the DSM 1 and 2. DSM-5 is attempting to align itself with International Classification of Disease (ICD). This is a substantial change towards a more ideological way of diagnosis and treating patients. In an effort to become …show more content…

This has raised concern with practitioners, such as the removal of Axis III, general medical conditions. Gaining knowledge such as, cardiac or pulmonary conditions, is imperative when diagnosing and treating patients with a mental diagnosis. The chairs of the DSM-5 now consider every disorder a general medical condition from anxiety disorders to heart palpitations and every symptom should be addressed and treated as such (Neimeyer, 2014). The elimination of Axis IV also brought attention to how practitioners and clinicians address psychosocial problems. The chairs of the DSM-5 have the impression that psychosocial problems should be addressed by social workers. This does not mean that psychosocial problems are not significant, they are just not significant in diagnosing mental disorders. The DSM-5 is developing a commonality between medical conditions and mental disorders, making them epiphenomenal to diagnosis (Neimeyer, 2014). Primacy of

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