
Daily Life Of A Monk In Medieval Europe

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Daily Routine!


The daily life of a monk in medieval Europe consisted of worshiping God, reading and manual labour. In addition to their attendance at church monks spent several hours of their day reading the bible, private praying and meditation. Monks also had work they had to accomplish such as sowing, producing wine and honey. Monks were also responsible for providing medical attention for the community which wasn't helpful at all in-fact sometimes they made the crisis even worse. Monks had three vows they had to keep they were 'poverty-they could not own anything' 'chasity-they were not allowed to have a relationship with a other human being' and 'obiediance-they had to fully submit themselves to the abbat (head of the monastery). Monks had to …show more content…

Knights daily life is based on a set of unwritten rules called the code of chivalry. This means that a knight has to be loyal to their lords, brave, courageous, merciful, truthful, gentle kind generous, humble and truthful. Knights had to protect everyone that they knew and didn't know day in and out. Unfortunately all knights did not follow the rules they had to love in, they were mean and a part of their daily routine had become stealing from innocent people and sometimes they would even kill them and this would be a normal thing to do for them some knights. from the age of seven the sons of past knights start training to fight, hunt and ride a horse for the next seven years for every single day. At the age of fourteen knights daily routine changes from training, and all that basic stuff to becoming a squire, this means that you serve a particular knight this would mean that you have to look after his armour, horse, equipment and also help him get ready for battle. After a few more years it will be your time to finally become a proper knight and you will train everyday until you go on a battle or a

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