
Daisy's Relationship In The Great Gatsby

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Money cannot hide a persons intentions and soul being at heart. In The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald we see the likenesses and differentiations between two men living in the extravagant lifestyle of the Eggs competing for their same love. Gatsby is considered new money with a hidden past to which makes him a mystery. Tom is considered old money with a selfish entitled way about him. Both characters are similar in the position of their moral compass yet their past and their passions set them apart as if in two different worlds. True love seems to be lacking in this love story. Tom on one hand claims to love his wife when in reality he cheats on her and simply can not bear the bruise to his pride and the lose of face of her having an affair, …show more content…

Gatsby is an observer who is reserved. Gatsby’s intentions when he "bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay," in order to lure her over to him. (Fitzgerald 61) Gatsby was concerned with money and being a level of hierarchy but his elaborate parties were simply a ploy to be closer to Daisy without inviting her himself much like his location choice for his house. Gatsby does not mingle at his events allowing for his guest to guess upon is personality and past because to him the parties are invitations for Daisy and no one else, simply a means to an end. Tom is old money with virtually no purpose other than to spend it in extravagant ways. “His family were enormously wealthy – even in college his freedom with money was a matter of reproach – but now he’d left Chicago and come East in a fashion that would rather take your breath away: for instance, he’d brought down a string of polo ponies from Lake Forest, it was hard to realize that a man in my own generation was wealthy enough to do that.” (Fitzgerald 7-8) Tom is a young man who has no need but to show off his money so he does just that. Money is an extravagant way to show off for him while Gatsby uses his money to pursue his love. Being an outward boisterous person in a town like such was necessary to maintain the public imaged aimed

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