
Dance Criticism Elements

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In the book Writing Dance in the Age of Postmodernism, Sally Banes offers four examples of dance criticism. Banes says, “a writer must tell what the dancer did, what they communicated, and how remarkable that was” (24). To do so, she reveals a dance critic can perform elements of description, interpretation, evaluation, and contextualization through their reviews. Interpretation appears to be the most appealing category within dance criticism. Interpretation encompasses what the dance means. Essentially, it is what the choreographer and dancers are trying to communicate with the audience. The category of interpretation can often be the most difficult to determine in dance and for me that is what makes it the most appealing aspect of dance criticism. Since movements don’t come with a defined vocabulary, there is no guarantee of a clear communication of ideas between the choreographer and viewers. I think this is what makes a performance so particularly exciting for the viewer. The interpretive aspect of dance allows the viewer to actively participate in the performance. In relation to their own personal experiences, they can bend what they see according to what they know and in some instances may learn something new about the world or themselves through the dance performance. Banes offered a good example by Jack Anderson that I was enthralled by (28). Anderson applied such connotation to the description of the performance. I am able to read the review and can bring it to

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