
Daniel Siedell

Decent Essays

The core of Daniel Siedell’s noble task is not only a discovery of the spirituality in twists and turns of the modern arts but also seeing modern art as a substitution of the Christian theological discourse within secular world. The logical aspects of his exposition are contemplations about inception of modernism through the Reformation, about the essence of the modern art which to him “is about a certain kind of feeling that finds embodiment in a certain kind of form”, about its “difficult and surprising beauty through suffering”. For him, Luther’s personalization of the Gospel gets mirrored in the attempt of the artist to address one’s specific soul of a viewer who is just and only you. In the traditional representational art, this passage is abetted with recognizable images; in a modern art, the outreach is artist’s martyrdom, and connection with viewer’s soul is fragile. …show more content…

In his essay, ”An Art Museum for the Common Good” Siedell writes: “Modern art raises our suspicions because we presume that art that does not correspond to our conception of the world is a denial of

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