
Daniel Soloving Chapter Summary

Decent Essays

Daniel Solove, a professor who specializes in internet privacy law, wrote this book to give his personal take on how the internet was transforming the way people connect through social mediums and how that could change in the future. An important thing to note about this book is that it was published in 2007, so some of the social and technological aspects of the book are slightly dated. Regardless of this though, this book provides an inquisitive perspective on the dynamic nature of the internet as a vessel of our society’s changing norms on privacy in the social sphere. Many of our learning points in class relate to topics discussed in this book and help to strengthen the context and significance of the underlying message.
Solove opens the book with an anecdotal tale of an unfortunate woman from China who allowed her dog to go to the bathroom on a public train without picking it up. The woman was photographed in this context and her picture was posted on a blog for the internet, as an angry mob in this instance, to publicly scorn her. And as it has happened before, the public scorning went overboard and turned into an execution of sorts. By posting this online, the publisher of the picture had socially assassinated this woman. If you Googled “dog poop girl”, her …show more content…

Those discussions led to the thought that both of those concepts are dangerous tools when used incorrectly but can have redeeming features when put in responsible hands. Solove also points out that sometimes people think they are doing the world a solid by shaming via “cyberpolice” tactics. A cybercop is someone who shames with an authoritative stance on what is right and wrong. This should simply be a matter of perspective unless the questionable act is explicitly illegal. Ironically, if shaming is vicious and defaming enough, that act itself is

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