
Dart Fish Analysis Paper

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Flight time was analyzed for six total serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Flight time was discovered using the running clock tool on Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 1 displays the summarized findings of flight time of 3 jumps serves and 3 standing overhand serves.

Table 1. Summarized findings of flight time for 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Flight time was discovered experimentally through Dartfish Analysis Software.
Average flight time for the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated, and summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Average flight time of the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated based on data from Table 1.
A sample calculation for average flight time is displayed below. Each calculation was performed identical to the sample.

Ball velocity was calculated for 6 serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Ball velocity was calculated based on distance and flight time. Both of these variables were discovered through Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 3 displays the summarized …show more content…

This confirms what the literature has found as well. The jump serve is more likely to have a decreased flight time, an increased ball velocity and a flatter projection angle. My hypothesis of which serve would be considered better was confirmed, but I was surprised at the minimal difference of each factor between each serve. I assumed that each factor would be significantly different between the two serves. Based on my results, I can confirm that the jump serve is the better volleyball serve in a competition setting. The reduced flight time allows competitors less time to react to the ball, the increased ball velocity makes it more difficult to handle and control and the flatter projection angle makes it more difficult to pass. Therefore, the jump serve is more likely to earn points in a competition

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