
Dbq Manchester Essay

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From 1750 - 1851 Manchester, England wet under many changes. Streets were filled with excrement and disease. As much as 10 people lived in a single room. The walls of buildings were covered in smoke. The city size grew exponentially. The main changes included city growth, poor living conditions, and overall city ugliness that led to a variety of reactions.

The population of Manchester increased from 18,000 in 1750 to over 300,000 in 1851. This growth was not expected, and the city planning shows us in doc 1 the growth of the city in a span of just over 100 years. Manchester’s location, factories and mills to work at made it a desirable place to live. This document is not likely bias because maps are accurate and used to see a certain area so the map is likely accurate. Doc 9 …show more content…

Sewage was in the streets, as much as 10 people lived in 1 room. In the busiest parts of Manchester as many as 200 people shared a single outhouse which often overflowed. In doc 2, it tells how crowded the houses are together, people crowd the narrow streets,buildings are black with smoke, among other things. This shows the harsh living conditions of a rapidly growing city that has terribly low living standards. In doc 7, it portrays the people that lack proper clothing, bedding, furniture, even proper food. This shows the physical suffering and the harshed living conditions where every day is survival.This is likely valid because it is a published journal which would have no reason to be untrue. In doc 6, it tells of the diseases and death seen every day by the people of Manchester. The annual loss of life was high as well as the terrible moral influences among these people.This is likely unbiased because it is a report of his observations. In all the severe living conditions of Manchester caused immense suffering that brought many negative reactions from

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