We have all been victims of them. They’re often disgusted and feared by many. One might think they’re just the annoying little critter that terrorized our daily activities. Needless to say, they’re one of the deadliest animals in the animal kingdom. You might think a big ferocious lion or a velocipede shark might be the animal with the most fatalities. This tiny insect is the major cause of approximately 1 million dead annually according to the World Health Organization. Although this might surprise you, it’s not uncommon for mosquitos to be responsibilities of many deaths around the world. What will astonish you is that history tends to repeat itself. This deadly critter has been responsible for many major events that eventually cause the
Did A Critter Chew Through An Electrical Cord? Know What You Can Do About It
Rattlesnakes are predators that live in a wide array of habitats , hunting small animals such as birds and rodents. Rattlesnakes have a rattler on the end of their tail to warn other predators that it is dangerous. A rattlesnake’s venom is very lethal to small children and those with weak immune systems. Although today we have many effective ways of treating snake bites, in the 1800s it was very difficult to treat a bite from a rattlesnake. They had a few ways of trying to remove the poison from the wound.
The one thing that could keep me inside on a nice summer’s day is the threat of mosquitoes. Where they bite me, I swell up and itch for days afterwards. It’s a hard choice between slathering myself in nasty smelling insect repellant or staying inside. Sometimes even with the insect repellant I still get bit. To add insult to injury, they sometimes get in the house and attack me. They seem to be an annoyance I can’t escape. I’m lucky that the mosquitoes that bite me don’t carry dangerous diseases like the ones in other counties. Daniel Engber who wrote the article “Let’s Kill All the Mosquitoes” has the solution to our problem. He makes a great argument to kill the dangerous mosquitoes and it’s very well supported with credible sources.
Mosquitos is a problem faced by the world it appears many times in the novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor,” “(Bloor)When Paul's mother Caroline complains to the HOA that the muck fire in the yard is going out of hand and should be dealt with asap. The HOA decides to try different ways to get rid of it each attempt worse than the last from putting it out with a fire extinguisher to flooding the fire with water. When the hoa decides to flood the Fisher’s backyard muck fire they didn’t take in account that they not only failed to resolve the conflict of the fire but added another job to their list. The HOA unintentionally invited the dreaded mosquitos to Lake Windsor Downs when they flooded the fire. The mosquitoes are blood thirsty creatures they will bite anyone and anything to get their food, blood.
You offered some great information about the “Blood Sucking Kissing Bug”, another bug that we have be careful with it. I was not aware about this one, here in Florida we seen to welcome all these weird looking bugs every year. It looks like that every so often we get a new epidemic or a disease and sometimes I wonder if we are the ones creating all these diseases. This is the first time that read about this bug, and as a curiosity I look for information and it is frightening that the CDC estimated that 300,000 people in the U.S. had been infected, and it could be closer to 400,000. What it makes things even worse is that the majority of people that have this disease do not know that they have it.
In the article” When mosquitoes were killers in America” by Lauren Tarshis, there is evidence that discussed how mosquitoes were far more than a nuisance. The article talked about the symptoms of having malaria. Tarshis said,”Those who become sick get high fevers, bone - rattling chills, and painful muscle aches.” It must have been very painful for people in the olden days who had malaria. The current generation is very lucky because there are medicines that reduce pain. Malaria is a deadly disease caused by mosquitoes sucking blood and transferring the blood to another human's body. Tarshis talked about how many people die in a year due to mosquitoes. The article says” In this way, bite by itchy bite, 212 million people are infected with malaria
(Eagle, Idaho) Female fleas consume up to 15 times their body weight in blood in a single day. Within 35 to 48 hours of the first meal, the flea then lays eggs, and the problem increases. Over time, the flea lays as many as 2,000 eggs, which means an infestation can occur in a very short period of time. Pet owners need to take action to prevent this problem from developing in their home and yard, and PetLock (http://pet-lock.com) can be of help.
No one would have ever thought that a little bitty bug, with a painless bite could cause so much harm. This deadly virus was going around for awhile until it suddenly disappeared for about 20 years, causing everyone to make false assumptions that it was gone forever. Mosquitoes, the pesky bugs, will sooner, rather then later, become a threat once again.
The new mosquitos contain a gene that produces high levels of a protein that stops their cells from functioning normally, ultimately killing them.” And “While similar releases in Florida are years away, some locals have already reacted forcefully. One activist gathered 100,000 signatures on a petition to oppose using the mosquitoes in eradication efforts.” But their concerns are ““What if these mosquitoes bite my boys or my dogs? What will they do to the ecosystem?”
Man can capture an elephant, train a lion, and totally obliterate a species from this earth. If man can do all that surely he will have dominion over something as small and meek as a mosquito. The Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793 proved this notion to be false as this disease, transmitted solely by the bite of a female mosquito, wiped out one tenth of Philadelphia’s population in four months. Some make the mistake of seeing this as an isolated event but this epidemic was as far-reaching as the disease itself since it forever changed America’s Government, public health system and African American community.
There are many reasons to justify our fears against Zombies insects because some diseases brings by insects pose serious problem to public health. The insects bite and kill many people in the world because Zombies insects are the agents some viruses in the nature. For example, ticks are the leading carriers (vectors) of diseases to humans in the United States, second only to mosquitoes worldwide. In most circumstances, it is not the tick bite but the toxins, secretions, or organisms in the tick's saliva transmitted through the bite that cause disease, some of which are capable of transmitting infections, and also,in particular, paralyses all the body. Next one, the Zika virus. The first cases were reported in Brazil last May with up to 1.5 million people now thought to be affected by the virus which is spread by mosquitoes endemic to Latin
This disease can kill someone and mosquitoes are the ones that carry it. Lots and lots of people were getting it, but George said that if we don’t think about it that maybe, just maybe, nobody in our family will get it. We know that there is always a chance, but we can always hope for the best.
Mosquitoes will compromise the health and safety of your family and your pets, and they carry ailments such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and dog heartworm.
The Florida Keys is facing a crisis in the growth of deadly mosquito populations who pose a threat to its Tourists and residents. The species Aedes aegypti is an invasive species in the Florida Keys that carries Dengue Fever and Chikungunya and spreads these diseases to humans by biting them (Oxitec, “United States”). Dengue fever and Chikungunya are potentially fatal, viral ailments that have no present day treatment apart from treating patient’s symptoms (Oxitec, “United States”). According to the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Division (FKMCD), they present efforts for fighting off these mosquitoes is using insecticides; achieving a 50% eradication rate(“Oxitec OX513A Trial”). Oxitec believes that it has come up with a solution to combat the growth of Aedes aegypti populations using genetically engineered sterile male Aedes aegypti to sire offspring that will not survive into adulthood(Oxitec, “United States”). In response to this, many of the Key’s residents are protesting against the releasing of genetically altered mosquitoes as they feel
Mosquito-borne illnesses (MBI), transmitted through mosquito bites, are a major public health issue in Nicaragua and the Western Hemisphere. In January 2016, the World Health Department (WHO) reported