
Deaf People Research Paper

Decent Essays

For years, Deaf individuals have guaranteed that hearing people are NOT welcomed into the Deaf community. It doesn’t help that hearing people have created a set of myths and preconceived notions about the Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. This can range from: all deaf people sign, majority of deaf people cannot speak, deaf people cannot drive, deaf people are not as intelligent as hearing people, deaf people cannot have children, sign language is universal, and deaf people don’t want to be deaf, they are hoping for some miracle cure that will make them hear (Tay, Unknown). These are as ‘hilarious’ and don’t much sense. Deaf people have kept hearing people on the outside for fear of hearing people not be able to relate on the same level as the Deaf individuals. …show more content…

However, evidence has proven that Deaf people are quite the opposite. Deaf people are like any other hearing person. They are welcoming and loving. They can drive, they can have children, they are as intelligent if not have intelligence of the hearing people, and majority of Deaf people do love being deaf. Now, this is entirely based upon when the individual became Deaf and whether they follow the D/deaf convention that goes together with the culture. Deaf people do the same things in life as hearing individuals. Interviewee 1 told of an experience they had at a voting center where a Deaf individual came to vote. “I worked for one of the voting polls for the district presidential polls. I basically did check in for the poll booths. There were a few Deaf people that would come up. There was an individual who was very upset with me because I didn’t know the proper signs for polling. I knew vote… I went through the directions for her…But I couldn’t vote for

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