
Dear Teena Research Paper

Decent Essays

Dear Teena, I need some middle school tips ASAP! I just started at a new school and it seems like everyone has name brand clothing like Abercrombie and Hollister, and I don’t have any of that stuff. Also I don’t understand how to be organized, make friends… I’m pretty much just lost all together. Tips PLEASE??

Okay, first of all do NOT panic!! We have all been in your shoes at some point and you will get through this. I want to start by addressing your worries about making friends, since that is something I can totally relate to. Don’t be frightened to talk to somebody you think you’ll get along with. You’ll regret it in the long run if you silently sit alone. Middle school is the time when you make the friends you’re actually going to stick with the rest of …show more content…

If you’re not the type of individual to wear name brands I suggest trying your own flair. Aeropostale, Abercrombie, and stores like that go out of style rapidly once you get into high school and, also, it’s SO commonplace. I propose Forever 21, they have good, distinctive, inexpensive clothes.
When it comes to homework… Do it timely. I know it’s usually not very fun, and Netflix is calling your name, but trust me on this one. I procrastinated and it stressed me out. Fairly, if you do all your schoolwork, the lesson is abruptly calmer. As much as we despise it, homework is there for a reason. Start assignments when you get them. I continuously did assignments the evening beforehand and it’s very demanding, so get them done!
Organizing – I continuously enjoyed having one binder for each lesson and a homework binder where I would put all that was due the next day in, it helps you to not overlook anything. I would get a planner to write your schoolwork projects in… and USE IT. I never did this until my freshman year of high school and, trust me, I wish I used it through middle school too. Oh, and make an effort to study for exams. Really… it will help if you truly sit down and do

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