
Death And Burial Rituals

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Many cultures around the world celebrate the death of a person in many different ways. Some cultures believe in reincarnation while others believe in nirvana. In some places the mourning process can last from one day to one year. It's crazy to see how different are perspective of things are. I picked South Africa, Iran, and Mongolia to investigate in depth about their death and burial rituals and their beliefs about death.
South Africa has been practicing their death and burial rituals for over hundreds of years. Their beliefs are an infusion between Christianity and Islam. They believe in a live after death also known as reincarnation and in the role of a deceased ancestor. If a person dies in a house the first thing they do is smear the windows with ashes. Next, they cut a hole in the wall so they can carry the body out feet first to symbolize its former residence. Once the body has been removed from …show more content…

Their beliefs are mostly influenced from islamic prescriptions. Once it is obvious a person is going to die their relatives dye their feet and hands with henna. Once the person dies their body is washed nine times wrapped in a white shroud and finally wrapped with cords to keep the body secure in the shroud. It's considered highly holy to help carry or touch the coffin, so funeral processions often involve huge crowds around the coffin itself. During the burial, the body is placed in a grave facing Mecca, the most holy location on Earth for Muslims, and is surrounded by weeping mourners reciting prayers from the Qu'ran. On the third day of mourning a memorial service is held with huge flower arrangements, halvah, and rosewater is sprinkled everywhere. On the seventh day of mourning the grave is visited and food is given to the poor. On the fortieth day of mourning the mourners (who have been wearing black) may begin wearing normal clothes again, and a gravestone is put on the

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