
Death Penalty Allowed

Satisfactory Essays

A serial killer that killed more than 10 people has been sentenced to life in prison, when all the sudden his crew broke into the prison and took him out and he killed more people. The death penalty could have saved innocent lives by just annihilating them, putting someone on death row may seem cruel, but think of the innocent life that was killed. The death penalty should be allowed because it will keep these villains from ever attacking or killing again and putting innocent lives at risk, and families will see what the person did, also how race isn't a big part in cases at all. Families all over the world lose loved ones from people murdering them in cold blood, some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and get …show more content…

Actually the percent to how many death role cases that involve colored people and non color are about the same. White equals out to average 40.9 % blacks 40.6% Hispanic 8.9 % and other 1.6 %. So even if you're a different race than others you will be treated the same. Many people that are agents having the death penalty say that there is always a better alternative than killing the criminals. They say that life without parole would be worse than killing them when they killed someone or even worse. Spending life in prison is something an insane person that has done something really bad would want. By putting them to death, they will not be in comfort and would be really mad and stressed which is what they deserve. What if a tragic murder happened and the victim is your beloved son and the murder got sentenced to life without parole, then one day a group of his gang went in and saved him and went back to killing. This all could have stopped by using the death penalty, and this will cut out some of the crime. Knowing that if they get caught there's a high probability of them getting the death penalty. It may seem like it's a bad thing, but all you really have to think about is what about the innocent life that was

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