A serial killer that killed more than 10 people has been sentenced to life in prison, when all the sudden his crew broke into the prison and took him out and he killed more people. The death penalty could have saved innocent lives by just annihilating them, putting someone on death row may seem cruel, but think of the innocent life that was killed. The death penalty should be allowed because it will keep these villains from ever attacking or killing again and putting innocent lives at risk, and families will see what the person did, also how race isn't a big part in cases at all. Families all over the world lose loved ones from people murdering them in cold blood, some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and get …show more content…
Actually the percent to how many death role cases that involve colored people and non color are about the same. White equals out to average 40.9 % blacks 40.6% Hispanic 8.9 % and other 1.6 %. So even if you're a different race than others you will be treated the same. Many people that are agents having the death penalty say that there is always a better alternative than killing the criminals. They say that life without parole would be worse than killing them when they killed someone or even worse. Spending life in prison is something an insane person that has done something really bad would want. By putting them to death, they will not be in comfort and would be really mad and stressed which is what they deserve. What if a tragic murder happened and the victim is your beloved son and the murder got sentenced to life without parole, then one day a group of his gang went in and saved him and went back to killing. This all could have stopped by using the death penalty, and this will cut out some of the crime. Knowing that if they get caught there's a high probability of them getting the death penalty. It may seem like it's a bad thing, but all you really have to think about is what about the innocent life that was
Capital punishment can be a tough topic to approach because people tend to have many different opinions on it. The death penalty is an advantage to society; it deters potential criminals as well as serves retribution to criminals. There is a huge difference in expenses of a lethal injection and life in prison. The death penalty can be an extremely beneficial tool in sentencing criminals that have committed some of the worst crimes known to
I understand that some people think it’s justice but it’s really not. The way to make that person who has done something bad suffer is to let them sit in prison and rot. They will then have a long time to think about the crime or crimes that they had committed. Some people feel that if one don’t get the death penalty they are considered free but that is not the case. Just cause they are not put to death doesn’t mean they are free. They still have to sit in prison and deal with what they have done. To me I think that the death penalty should just be eliminated
In my opinion the death penalty truly does help to eliminate the problem of overpopulation in prisons. When prisons become overpopulated more money is needed to pay for supplies for inmates. Why should taxpayers have to pay for criminal that have murdered people? Murdering someone is honestly one of the worst things a person could ever do. Americans should not have to pay to provide inmates with television. The person that was murdered is not going to be able to watch television, so why should the killer be able too. Inmates just sit in jail watching television, doing crafts, playing sports, eating, working, and sleeping. Many people say life without parole is better than the death penalty. I strongly disagree with this statement, because life without parole allows a killer to keep living their life after they took the life of another person. Plus keeping everyone just in prison without parole goes back to the fact it is very costly to pay for prison inmates. Overpopulation in prisons can lead to many riots, injuries, and even deaths. These riots can be from the cause of not enough food or supplies in the prison. Many prisoners have been known to kill their fellow cellmates, but yet all they get is another life sentence for taking another life. I do not agree that life without parole is better than the death penalty. After learning what talks place with killers in prison and
I do not think that the death penalty should be allowed. Anyway why not just have a life in prison without parole. It might just be cheaper to kill someone, but if it is not right for murders to kill why is it right for the government to kill. Think of it there could be many things worse than the death penalty, just imagine living with all that guilt. Also think if a child killed and got a death penalty 13 year olds have been tried as adults. So if a 13 year was killed because of a death penalty why they have to die young, because the guilt would build up over the years and be worse than the death penalty. So all in all a sentence to life in prison without parole could be worse than a death penalty.
Bobby Scott said, and I quote “The death penalty is discriminatory and does not do anything about crime.” In certain cases where the death penalty was involved, a life or better yet life without parole would have been a better punishment. In doing this, life without parole not only gives the criminal time to ponder on what they did, but also restrict them from entering the outside world again. In addition, the criminal experiences the pain and torment they put their victim through. However, the criminal justice system seeks out their own justice based off the criminal background, race, gender, and sometimes age.
The death penalty makes more sense economically than life without parole. Life without parole is more costly to the taxpayers. The taxpayers pay for the housing of the prisoners and for the food. The numerous court appeals also waste many hours and lots of money. By doing this, America encourages people to commit serious crimes because the criminals know that they will have food to eat and a bed to sleep in. I believe that the prisoners do not get what they deserve.
The death penalty is used when the criminal has crimes such as terrorism, federal murder, and large scale drug trafficking. The those that have committed these crimes need more than just a quick easy exit. Spending a lifetime in prison will allow the offender to become a victim of mental health issues such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and dysthymia. Suffering from these types of disorders is a punishment beyond the cruelty of death. Not dying during an execution is absurd but it has happened, there is a 3.15% of the death sentence failing. There have been 276 botched executions, leaving the criminal in a fatal and gruesome state.
Life in prison is better than the death penalty because it cost more to kill them than to put them in jail for life. Judy Kerr states “sentencing people to grow old and died naturally in prison cost far less than trying to execute them.” This is supporting the reason because if it is cheaper to put
Many people believe that the death penalty is an effective form of punishment. They believe that it I can help stop criminals from continuing to commit crimes. For example, President Trump once mentioned on a Fox& Friends appearance in 2010. That the “two men who killed the officers in Hattiesburg MS will not do any more killing if they receive the death penalty”(Pro& Con). A lot of people believe that if people see others getting their life taken away then that may deter them from committing crimes themselves. Also, the death penalty can give closure to the victims’ families. Many families worry that the inmate may be released or be given a reduced sentence. It haunts them to think that the person who killed their love ones will be allowed to walk free and potentially do the same thing to another family.
Some people appose the death penalty because they believe it cost more to kill the person than to keep them in prison for life. If you put any thought into this at all, you will see that it is entirely wrong. If you put someone in jail for life, you have to feed them every single day, keep them sheltered, and take up the space in the jails. If you put someone to death, you don't have to worry about any of that. The cost of executions is far less than life in jail. Death penalty cases have alot of appeals, that cost alot of money, but life without parole cases have just about the same amount of appeals and cost just the same. When it comes down to it, putting the murderers in our country to death saves money, time, and space in our jails.
Today there are many injustices in this world, however some are overlooked in todays society. One of these acts is the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty, or Capital punishment has been around for centuries first appearing in Hamarabis code. In modern society the death penalty is often overlooked because normally it is a criminal receiving the punishment and not your everyday good citizen. Which is where the main argument lies for most people. The Death Penalty can affect all people, directly or indirectly, yet most people don't see it this way. From the stoning in the late B.C. era to the lethal injection, many modern governments, including the united States. have sentenced many to death for years, without realizing their
In my judgment the death penalty doesn’t make much of a difference we haven’t seen any crime lowered in the states where it is executed, many argue that this helps to lower crime, but the reality is different. Another
In many cases there are many years in between the sentence and the actual execution. Trial courts cost and prison costs amassed while awaiting execution, total up to large sums of money. Additionally, there are costs for prosecution and defense. Comparing the cost of the death penalty to a life sentence makes the sentence of life imprisonment sound like a good arrangement. Is it really worth the hassle and money to kill a criminal, when we can put them away for life for less money with a great deal more ease? The death penalty needs to be revised and altered so that it is more cost and time efficient. Supporters of the death penalty claim, is that it is just retribution for someone who commits the heinous crime of murder. The death penalty assures that the convicted murderer is being paid back for his or her wrongdoing, and revenge has been accomplished. If the state is interested in executing convicted killers in order to teach them the high value that society holds for human life, doing so doesn’t accomplish this. Killing a person to show him killing another is wrong is an injustice in itself (Zimring 76). The archaic view of "an eye for an eye" is expressed often by supporters of the death penalty, yet this view is not associated with any other crimes. A court would find it difficult to sentence a rapist to suffer a sentence of rape, as they would have trouble burning down the house of someone
The problem with the death penalty is that it is a big waste of money. Yes, in some cases it can make people feel better, like they are getting revenge on the people that did the crime to their loved one or someone they know but that is really cruel. In the article, The Price of Justice it shows how the price were a few years ago and it can only of up from there “in 1988, The Miami Herald reported that the cost of the death penalty in Florida was $3.2 million per execution compared to $600,000 for life imprisonment.103 Similarly, The Dallas Morning News reported in 1992 that the trials and appeals of a capital case alone cost Texas $2.3 million per case on average”. Making the criminal sit in a jail cell that is not that big with other bad people is more of a punishment then just killing them. And it is a lot cheaper to do it that way as well. The cost of the death penalty is not reasonable because the state can’t even perform the death penalty the right way. And we can use the money for better things for our states and for our society so we can improve our comity’s so
“I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty” (Nancy Regan). Death is not always the death. If the defendant and victim are dead, who is getting justice and who will serve the consequence? Many believe the death penalty is the superior consequence instead of serving life without parole. Other realize that the inmate death is an easy way out from the crime and it will not bring the victim back to life. Overall, not a soul is satisfied until justice is served for the victim. Education on the death penalty, knowing the expenses, and the death penalty methods to kill an inmate can surprise the one that learns.