
Death Penalty; Right or Wrong?

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The death penalty has been an issue that has continually caused tension in today’s society. The main discussion over this is whether or not the death penalty serves as a valid and justified form of punishment. We have reached the point where if the topic is brought up, extremists on both sides immediately begin to argue the matter. One side says increase in crime rate, the other says failure to discourage crime; one says failure to rehabilitate, the other says it saves lives; one says justice and retribution, the other says revenge. As a society we know that crime is a major part of our lives, and we are all aware that something must be done about it. The only problem now is coming together and finding common ground as to how we solve it. …show more content…

Revenge seems to be one of the biggest factors influencing the choice of the death penalty. In today’s society we have come to the conclusion that when someone does something to you, you should do the same or even something worse in return. We have based it of the ideology that is “an eye for an eye”; making the death penalty more about getting even rather than serving justice. Many have stated that not only does the death penalty serve justice but it also brings comfort and closure to the families of the victims. The main concern that this group of extremists is having is that the death penalty is done for all the wrong reasons. Many people have established their belief that they should get to choose when the life of the person is taken, being that they themselves chose when to take the life of the victim. Mrs. King herself opposes the death penalty; claiming that it does nothing but contribute to the killing cycle. It is a violent and hateful act fueled by the desire of revenge. Martin Luther King preached that revenge was the beginning of a destructive chain of events. The outcome will always be an unending cycle of violence. Revenge should be ranked on the same level as envy and greed. All of which are emotions that need to always be kept under the control of a rational thought process. In all honesty, allowing and encouraging such actions by the government makes no sense. “Because vengeance causes such problems, it's not surprising that no

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