
Essay Death and the Maiden: The Effects of Chilian Dictatorship

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In a not determined country of Latin America,Chile or any other country that has suffered the consequences of a dictatorship lives Paulina and Gerardo, her husband. She is a woman who survived the tortures of an already overcome dictatorship; it was then when, Gerardo Escobar was a student and a publishing leader of a clandestine publication. Paulina dealt with the pain without betraying her boyfriend as the torturers were claiming. Now she lives with her fighting partner (Gerardo), in a beach house, completely isolated, close to the cliff. Escobar, now judge of the republic, has been named in a commission to investigate the deaths occured during the past regime. Fate propitiates that Roberto Miranda, the doctor entrusted to maintain alive …show more content…

The sanación of the pain is obtained on having heard renowned this memory(report) ".
But which is the logic of joint to place in the place of other one; of whom he(she) asks for pardon, of whom it(he,she) grants it? A text written by an exmilitante ETA member, now in prison, does less than one month (June 24, 2012) and in which(whom) he(she) asks for pardon all the victims that direct or indirectly it(he,she) had provoked his(her,your) to gesticulate, but in which(whom) it(he,she) does also a deep reflection on the pardon, throws his(her) new elements for this construction of sense of the pardon; he(she) says this way in someone of his(her,your) new paragraphs: " to come to the pardon, it is indispensable to go beyond the political speeches of different sign, without for it to ignore them, and to try to place this reflection in an area first of all ethically, and if it is wanted, metapolítico, so that it(he,she) could serve to rationalize the debate, provide it with an ethical rigor and articulate a way of reconciliation and memory(report) that passes along the path of the justice and of the asked and granted pardon ".
Paulina seems the first response to deliver us: the truth must precede the pardon, is a necessary condition. " I want The truth, it is the only(unique) thing that I want " he(she) says to his(her,your) husband. It is necessary that his(her,your) former torturer him(her) looks at the face and confesses. But, will

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