
Decision Making Process Of An Organization

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Heuristics that can assist the decision maker in speeding up the decision making process There are various heuristics or methods that can speed up the decision making process of an organizations or the decision maker for the company in a given framework. When the organization is working under the global market, the methods to speed up the decision making process is extremely important for the decision makers of the organizations. Defining the problems There can be two or more problems in an organization when it is working under the influence of global market. It is the responsibility of the decision makers to define the problems to the employees and let them the root cause of any problem or issue that has arisen in the organization. In this way, the company will be able to take charge of the situations well help the employees to make them understand where the problem lies in the organization. The more properly the organization will be able to make the employees understand the problem the more quick the decision will be made in the organization. It is up to the senior managers to find a solution of the problem as well as make the employees come p with solutions regarding the problem (33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Medical Decision Making: 2011 Abstracts, 2012). In this way, the company will have multiple options to solve a certain issue and decide quickly regarding that can be done to solve a certain issue. Determining the requirement Every decision making process has

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