
Decision Making in Health Care

Better Essays

The looming changes in health care are a frequent topic in many meetings with health care providers. Budget cuts are not just a speculation but are a reality. Decision-making to provide quality patient care with less money is a challenge at best. Health care management decisions are made daily and these affect many patients both positively, and negatively. Texas state department budgets are continuing to become leaner, and the Medicaid population seems to be continually growing. Texas currently has an “unemployment rate of 6.4% along with an 18% statewide Medicaid population” (Kaiser State Health Facts, 2013). Although these numbers are slightly under the national average, they are daunting when broken down by total population of the state …show more content…

This step is useful in either performing the research done by him or herself or verifying staff has correctly researched the information. The information could come from a variety of sources that primarily involves use of internet. Research skills are useful when attempting to formulate an evidence-based answer to a question. The search for information in relation to the study is based on the Texas Health and Human Services 2013-2017 strategic plan plus other various online sources. Step three, assessing the accuracy speaks clearly in the title. Not all research is equal; some is biased, misleading, or haphazard. The manager must determine the quality of the evidence presented, this should be conflict free, and credible. For this study, Texas Health and Human Services provides information deemed valid, and reliable. The strategic plan is comprehensive in scope. Parts of the plan describe potential reduction of services to Medicaid recipients along with potential revisions in services available. In step four, applicability of information, the material must meet within the criteria of the question. “Increasingly, academic journals are requesting that authors include a section on the practical implications of their results; this section is particularly useful to

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