
Defensive Behavior Essay

Decent Essays

This source was taken from an online encyclopedia that provides general information about different topics. In this specific article, defensive behavior was discussed as a type of behavior. In the source, readers cab gain a better understanding about the defensive behavior by comparing with the other behavior types as a brief discussion of each type was included in the article. Overall, an encyclopedia is a good source for summarized details about specific topics and can be a good source of background information in preparation for more thorough research. For instance, a reader that has just encountered a medical term like defensive behavior, can learn about the condition by using an encyclopedia, especially if the encyclopedia is online for better access. Br Ay, R. M., Hour Ani, L. A. L., Williams, J., L Ane, M., & M Arsden, M. (2014). Understanding Military Workforce Productivity. New York City, New York: Springer New York. …show more content…

Most of the topics discussed were centered on productivity, with the book providing an overall positive description of how military skills and training translate in the workplace. Concerns over defensive behavior was mentioned based on the result of some references linking how defensive behavior can be disruptive with other aspects of the workplace such as in staff training and evaluation. An important detail in this book is that while the authors has shown how defensive behavior and issues concerning self-awareness and scrutiny may be a problem with people coming from military background, the Br Ay and his colleagues suggest that research on this issue is still

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