There is an urgent need for defensive driving that requires a skill set highly experienced drivers possess; yet, discover they were not able to avert an accident. The majority of society drives as if they’re driving on the bumper car track, costing an estimate of $152.0 billion; nonetheless when two vehicles collide they will not ricochet off one another (NSC, 2015, p 1). Each time you decide to operate a motor vehicle, you’ll encounter the reckless driver. This person runs stop signs or red lights. In Pennsylvania, they have installed the traffic camera, when you run a red light it takes a snap shot of your license plate and you’ll get a ticket in the mail and it still hasn’t deterred this action. When you take part in driving on the highway,
ABC Defensive Driving is a driving school located in Phoenix, Arizona. It is dedicated to providing a superior, Arizona Supreme Court approved, Defensive Driving program designed to ensure a safer Arizona driving experience. Their defensive driving classes in Phoenix offer an in person 4.5 hour classes with convenient schedules. ABC Defensive Driving is Arizona Supreme Court approved, with the school number # 052. They are a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating.
Operating a motor vehicle is a serious matter and requires a lot of responsibility. According to statistics, over 40,000 people are killed each year due to automobile accidents that could have been prevented. By taking a defensive approach to driving, you could ultimately save someone's life or help prevent an accident. Defensive driving skills can also help you avoid the dangers caused by other people's bad driving. Before you get behind the wheel, it is important to learn skills that will help you stay in control.
A Modest Proposal For Making Driving More Entertaining, While Creating The Same Risks For Everyone On The Road
It was important for this artifact to target mostly young adults because they are new drivers who think the world is theirs now, but it was also important because there is a popular commonplace amongst teens where they think they’re invincible and that nothing bad could ever happen to them. This video, as heart wrenching and tear-jerking as it is, proves a point. No one is exempt from being hurt, or even killed, when it comes to distracted driving, and the four areas of Stasis Theory that I discussed persuaded me, and hopefully other audience members as well, that it can
An enormous division currently exists between the people who believe that automobile safety should be an option and those that feel it must be a requirement. The federal government feels the morally obligated to create the safest driving environment possible. On the other end of the spectrum, opinions exist that the average driver has ability to make the choice of safety on their own. Editorials, political assemblies, debates, and conversations have arrived on the concept of click it or ticket. This idea refers to ticketing any motor vehicle driver and passenger that is not fastened by a seat belt. Arguments have been made for both sides, and have been reviewed in multiple states.
Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to the United States of America for years. Many years Police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathalyzer tests and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so the Department of Transportation and Highway Safety has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the Transportation Department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media and
It will also be helpful to modify the traffic lights to make them more visible. Upgraded speed cameras will control most people that speed by taking a picture of their license plate and vehicle and giving them a moving violation ticket. Control officers will catch any drivers who are not following traffic laws and will give them a ticket as well. Safety programs in vehicles will help people to do things more safely such as making a call or sending a message. An all-red clearance light will cause all the lights on the intersection to stay red for at least five seconds to ensure that vehicles on all sides are stopped. Making the traffic lights in Surprise more visible whether it be making the lights larger, or switching out the bulbs with stronger, more opaque lights, will also help reduce the number of traffic accidents. The cost for the speed cameras, control officers, dynamic message boards, and implementing an all-red clearance interval have been calculated, however the cost of safety programs in vehicles and modifying current traffic lights are to be determined.
Distracted driving poses an immense problem across the United States, and the issue only seems to continue growing. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “In 2015 alone, 3,477 people were killed” in cases involving distracted driving, and of those killed, “teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes” (“Distracted Driving”, n.d.). These terrifying statistics cannot be ignored. Distracted driving is a national epidemic, and unless society addresses the problem properly and efficiently, the risky driving behavior will continue to plague our streets, endangering peoples’ lives and leading to more fatalities.
Jake Owen was one case that may change everyone’s view on distracted driving. 5 year old Jake owen was sitting in the back seat of the car when an SUV slammed into his mother’s Sedan. The cause of the impact killed Jake on the spot. Since then, his family and others are asking Maryland lawmakers to increase the penalties for drivers who cause crashes while talking or texting on a handheld phone. The bill, known in Annapolis as “Jake’s Law,” also would require all distracted drivers involved in serious crashes to give police basic information about their cellphones so that the detectives can more quickly check what they were doing at the exact moment of impact. “This is the new drunk driving,” said Jake’s mother, Susan Yum. “We really need
Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. It is starting to be considered as serious as drunk driving based on the dangerous outcomes. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), “distracted driving was a cause of roughly 450,000 accident-related injuries and nearly 5,500 fatalities in 2009 alone” (para. 1). Drivers who allow themselves to become distracted while driving are not only endangering themselves, but other innocent bystanders.
Drivers who are aware of the abusive cameras are constantly caught up trying to avoid getting an outrageous ticket; therefore, in attempt to avoid them, drivers are unexpectedly and furiously coming to abrupt stops. In result of the urgent and sudden stop of driver A (the first one to cross the intersection), braking quickly doesn’t give driver B neither enough time or physical room to move out of the way, consequently resulting in a rear-end collision, sometimes involving more than just two drivers. The driver’s panic to evade the ticket ends up caught up in the misfortunes of an even sadder circumstance. Leading reasons for this is thanks to the intentional decrease of yellow-light length times. Studies have shown that since the installment of the cameras there has been intentional scheming to cut the period of yellow light to catch as many victims as possible. It has been verified that increasing yellow-lights to at least one second more would decrease the number of accidents by over 45%. (Maass). An extra reason for which there is
Being the cause of a cell phone related accident can leave a person unable to handle the consequences of their actions. There is great concern regarding the dangers of distracted driving. This is made evident by legislation that has been put in place in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (2011), nationwide, 34 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam have enacted texting bans. Current data from the National Safety Council (2010) suggest that each year, at least 1.6 million traffic accidents (28% of all crashes) in the United States are caused by drivers talking on cell phones or texting. The U.S. Department of Transportation (2011) states that nine states, the District of Columbia, and
Today in our world, technology is running our generation. People are using their phones in the wrong areas, they were not made to be distractions and cause wrecks to be taken. A lot of people today do not realize is about 40 percent of the wrecks that occur in the world have to do with taking their eyes off of the road for too long. Measures need to be taken to decrease the number of wrecks per year. Although people believe texting and driving should not be finable, people do not realize the injuries/ deaths involved, what the distraction on the road can cause, and enforcement also includes a behavior change.
In today’s world, many drivers have become complacent in the fact that the vehicle in which they are operating can be a deadly weapon. A two-ton hunk of metal flying down the freeway at speeds excess of seventy miles an hour carries much potential for catastrophe.
Advancing technology in wireless communications is presenting a growing concern for distracted driving due to using cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Although distracted driving accidents and fatalities have risen in the last decade, placing a ban on the use of a cell phone or other electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle as some states have will not resolve the issue. In fact a ban on cell phones and driving may very well increase the accident and fatality rate because drivers are now more involved with concealing their illegal behaviors. More citizen participation and drivers safety management should be more carefully considered in a transpiring situation such as this. More Americans should be