
Definition Essay About Being Happy

Decent Essays

What are people supposed to think of when they hear the word “happy?” They may think of a memory that made them feel good, or maybe they think of something that is materialistic such as a pet or the latest electronic device. Most people probably don’t think of being “happy” as a biological, cultural, or even personal aspect of life, but according to the Time Magazine article entitled “The Biology of Joy” it is possible that being happy is actually easier for some people (Lemonick). When it comes to the internal workings of the body, people may not realize that being happy can help improve not only the immune system, but also the length of life. Having memories of a joyous occasion can be the first step in living a longer, healthier life. According to the textbook, the parts of the brain that are most responsible for the formation of memories are the cerebral cortex and the limbic system …show more content…

How a person perceives the world around them can also factor into their overall mood. If a person is seeing the world through a positive outlook, then they are more likely to be a happier person compared to someone who sees the world as a cruel, unfair place. Everyone has heard the saying “Money can’t buy happiness,” which has actually been proven to be true. Bryan Walsh writes in his article that when people reach a certain amount of income per year, $10,000, their happiness is drastically higher than those who are making less than $10,000 per year and those who make more than $11,000 (Walsh). So, it could be said that people learn how to be happy with what they have because their basic needs are being satisfied, which is more than a lot of places in the world. People are influenced by their perceptions of the world around them and even the way process certain information all factor into how happy/unhappy they may

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