
Definition Essay About Friendship

Decent Essays

Friendship is something that many people have experienced in our lives we either had a good experience with friendship or we had a bad experience with friendship. So what is friendship? Well defines friendship as” 1.the state of being friends;2.the relationship between friends;3. a friendly feeling or attitude;4. kindness or help given to someone”(merriam webster) So theoretically the definition of friendship is being a company of someone that you share some intimacy with. I think that this definition is right on point but it is a little more because to be called a friend of someone you have to be able to be trusted by the person that is calling you their friend. Being a friend to someone to me is being able to share the …show more content…

For me to make friends is very hard because i am not very open with people i don’t put myself out there as much in fear of rejection. I think to prove that you are friends with someone they have to be able to trust you with something that they can’t tell someone. They have to have the same aspirations as you this might be something small like you both feel that you guys have potential and that someday you will do something great. The last thing of being able to prove that you are the friend of someone is that you have to be able to help that person when they are down and be able to have fun with them when it is time. Yes it might seem like it shouldn’t be this complicated to make a friend but just claiming to be friends with random people can make you seem vulnerable to be take advantage of. A friend is theoretically someone that is not your family member that you have met and feel a connection with them enough to claim them as your

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