
Definition Essay-Empty Nest Syndrome

Decent Essays


What now? This is a question which torments most parents once their children have flown the nest. Empty nest syndrome is a phenomenon in which parents are grief-stricken when their children leave their childhood home. This may happen when the children move out to study, to live on their own or to get married. Most parents are overcome by a feeling of isolation and redundancy. They may miss being a part of their child’s daily life or worry excessively about their child’s safety and well being.

Ever since this theme was discussed in class I reflected on it and thought of my two sets of grandparents and how each of them had handled this situation, decades ago, in contrasting ways. It is a well known fact that although Empty nest syndrome can affect both parents, mothers are more susceptible. My paternal grandmother was a totally devoted mother of two sons. When both her sons moved to different cities for higher studies, she was devastated. She was so accustomed to spending a lot of time with them for the first eighteen years of their lives that when they departed she was overwhelmed with loneliness and a sense of loss. Her children were the focus of her life and without them she felt worthless. My grandfather too was sad and with only two of them at home, they both would perpetually quarrel and complain. The only time they …show more content…

Parents should accept this stage as a way of life and convert a perceived loss into an opportunity. Focusing on some of the positive changes resulting from their children moving out can ease the sense of loss and help them to see the brighter side of their future. This can be a stage of exploration, a time to rekindle their interests, their friendships and a time to widen their horizons. They should demonstrate to their children that they’re getting on with their life so that the children can embrace their new life without any

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