
Definition Essay On Integrity

Decent Essays

Before sitting down and writing this paper, I looked up the definition of the word Integrity. It means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. With that understanding in mind, I believe that to have integrity means that a person must be both honest, and capable of doing the right thing every time they are presented with a ethical or moral dilemma. I know that many things can be subjective to individuals, but when it comes to integrity, the core of a person is on display and they either prove to others that they have integrity, or not. How I display my integrity is often times not seen. I feel that as a honest person who cares about his friends, family and the people around him, my integrity is rarely called into question. I honestly believe this stemmed from my desire growing up wanting people to like me. I saw that people who were dishonest, lacked integrity where often times the ones I didn’t want to emulate. According to my family, they were people I should stay away from, disassociate myself from. I believe I exhibit integrity by how I live my life everyday. I’m not perfect, but I know that I’m a good person and that I try to do the right thing whenever I’m presented with the option to do so. I say option because I think that people will sometimes …show more content…

Being honest, I’d say I’ve been lying to myself when it comes to managing my time effectively. I know my life isn’t going to get easier in terms of doing things that will require my time, but I’ve displayed lapses in my integrity when it comes to properly preparing and displaying integrity in how I manage my time. I would also say that being a man of my word on things I consider to be ‘small-stuff’ is a place where I’m also deficient in my integrity and something I’m striving to improve

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