
Definition Essay: The Different Types Of Love

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We were first created with love. Regardless to whether your mother and father were lovers when you were conceived. Love created us all. We know and can feel a presence. The King. A creator. Acknowledge this. Once you accept and believe - how can you deny that you are not royalty? You were created from infinite power. Cut and molded from that which is powerful means you too have power. Power is magical. Love is magical. You are not here on accident. Some people feel like they don't have a person on Earth that loves them. Does it matter? Are you not aware that you are love? You’ve been loved enough to have been brought here, sealed in love. Smell the roses, enjoy the life you were given, love yourself and love others and you can manifest the love you want. …show more content…

In general there is family love, friend love, romantic love and unconditional love. Many people have different definitions of love people. People do different things for love. People go crazy behind this stuff. In reality they’re lead by emotions. Events can trigger negative and positive thoughts. Dangerous and mysteries love has made people with negative reactions to situations do the unfathomable behind love. People don’t always recognize love. Some people pretend to love. Many people do not fully understand love. Love is a good thing. Love is beautiful. If love was the only emotion we could experience everyone would skip, sing and dance all day. I definition love as an act, a deep emotion where one feels strong towards another, and desire good for that persons

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